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RE: Forgotten Shrine Chapel of the Skirmunts Nobles

in Architecture+Design3 years ago

Although I have not been to Rome, I am virtually familiar with its architects. But this round building reminded me of a miniature copy of some Roman structures.

Greetings You're absolutely correct! The Rotunda Chapel of the Skirmunts more or less mimics a Roman Pantheon (photo below), but in a much smaller version. The resemblance is uncanny. Because the Skyrmunts were a wealthy family, I'm pretty sure they must have traveled to Western Europe many times, most especially to locations where ancient Roman architectural infrastructures had influential footprints, It's a pity though that monument is still in ruins. Let's hope its complete renovation would push through and revive a constructed relic back to its former glory. Have a splendid week! 😊

Roman Pantheon.jpg
Roman Pantheon | Source


Oh yes, your photo shows a great resemblance of the Skyrmunt Shrine to the Roman Pantheon. Even in a miniature copy, it (the rotunda) looks amazing. The Skirmunts were certainly fascinated by ancient Roman architecture. But I am very glad that some influential people brought a piece of great architecture to Belarus. Therefore, they chose the best of what they saw in Western Europe. I hope that the restoration of the Rotunda Chapel of the Skirmunts will restore its former glory.
Thank you for your attention and support and wish you a successful week! 😊