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RE: [ENG] Visit to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption. / [ESP] Visita a la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

in Architecture+Design4 years ago

Wow! Such a humble-looking church but so wealthy in historical splendor! I'm truly pleased that you had the opportunity to experience this valuable landmark in Margarita Island with your family before it was damaged by the ravages of time! It's certainly a great blessing that this sacred building was fully restored from its delicate condition to a remarkably stable edifice where people won't hesitate to visit and won't tiptoe to anymore. Thanks a lot @marcosmilano71 for this brilliant article!


Hello friend @storiesoferne. Hello. Thank you for your comment and for your constant support. I really am very grateful to you. Yes, it is one of the oldest Cathedrals in Venezuela. The journalist's appointment is a little longer, where she, with great irony, drew the situation of architecture. I am going to allow you to leave the full quote so that you have an idea of ​​the magnitude of the problem that the Cathedral went through due to the carelessness of the competent authorities, QUOTE: "If you go to the Cathedral of La Asunción, leave the car a few blocks away, on its perimeter do not touch the cornet or by mistake; avoid raising your voice too much when you approach it and, when entering, preferably do it on tiptoe, you are thanked if you take off your shoes; once inside, that only the murmur of spiritual recollection and prayer level its enclosures; if what you want is to party near the century-old church, go elsewhere with your music. No, we are not back to the fervent devotion of yesteryear, it is a very pragmatic way to mitigate the precariousness of this building of almost four centuries that today succumbs to decades of neglect. " END OF QUOTE. This was written by journalist Nilda Silva Franco on 6/18/2017. Thank God yesterday my nephew informed me that they had already restored it. Greetings my friend, a virtual hug and infinite blessings.

Hola amigo @storiesoferne. Buenos días. Gracias por tu comentario y por tu constante apoyo. De verdad te estoy muy agradecido. Si, es una de las Catedrales mas antigua de Venezuela. La cita de la periodista es un poco mas extensa, donde ella, con mucha ironía, dibujó la situación de la arquitectura. Me voy a permitir dejarte la cita completa para que tengas idea de la magnitud del problema que la Catedral atravesó por el descuido de las autoridades competentes, CITA: "Si va a la catedral de La Asunción deje el carro a unas cuadras, en su perímetro no toque la corneta ni por error; evite alzar demasiado la voz cuando se acerque a ella y, al entrar, preferiblemente hágalo de puntillas, se le agradece si se quita los zapatos; ya adentro, que solo el murmullo del recogimiento espiritual y la oración allane sus recintos; si lo que quiere es rumbear cerca de la centenaria iglesia, váyase con su música a otra parte. No, no estamos de vuelta a la fervorosa devoción de antaño, es una muy pragmática manera de mitigar la precariedad de esta edificación de casi cuatro siglos que hoy sucumbe a décadas de desidia." FIN DE LA CITA. Esto lo escribió la periodista Nilda Silva Franco el18/6/2017. Gracias a Dios ayer mi sobrino me informó que ya la habían restaurado. Saludos amigo mío, un abrazo virtual y bendiciones infinitas.