Greetings dear friend Marcos @marcosmilano71. Wow! The Miraculous Virgin Parish from the beautiful city of Lima in Peru is indeed a magnificent work of sacred architecture! This is the first time I've seen you feature night photographic captures of buildings in your architectural portfolio of our beloved community. Moreover, this religious monument's lighting system is truly spectacular, breathing so much life, radiance, and glory to the church. Certainly, this is the best way to welcome the most celebrated day of the Christian world. Happy Easter to you and to your lovely family! Great blessings! 😊🙏
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Yes friend, one of the attractions of this sacred temple is its luminaries, you know how to appreciate those beautiful details that architecture offers us, I congratulate you. Certainly, it is the first time that I publish, in this community, night photos of an architectural structure, those photos were sent to me by my beloved wife who is currently in the city of Lima, Republic of Peru, visiting our eldest son and our beloved granddaughter. . My wife is very involved in the wonderful work that our valued community Architecture+Design showcases. She also feels part of the big family that You, my dear friend Erne , direct. Your support and appreciation has made my wife also get involved in this work, she feels happy collaborating with me. She tells me: - I'm going to take these details that Erne will like, hehehehe
Receive a strong and warm spiritual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.Hello dear friend Erne @storiesoferne I greet you from Venezuela. Thank you for your comment, for your support and friendship. Thank you very much.
Si amigo, uno de los atractivos de este templo sagrado son sus luminarias, Usted sabe apreciar esos hermosos detalles que nos ofrece la arquitectura, lo felicito. Ciertamente, es la primera vez que publico, en esta comunidad, fotos nocturnas de una estructura arquitectónica, esas fotos me las envió mi amada esposa quien actualmente está en la ciudad de Lima, República del Perú, visitando a nuestro hijo mayor y a nuestra amada nieta. Mi esposa está muy involucrada en el trabajo maravilloso que muestra nuestra valiosa comunidad Architecture+Design También ella se siente parte de la gran familia que Usted, mi querido amigo Erne, dirige. Su apoyo y valoración ha hecho que mi esposa también se involucre en este trabajo, ella se siente feliz colaborando conmigo. Ella me dice: - voy a tomar estos detalles que le van a gustar a Erne, jejejeje
Recibe un fuerte y caluroso abrazo espiritual cargado de bendiciones, energía positiva y mucha luz. Hola querido amigo Erne @storiesoferne Te saludo desde Venezuela. Gracias por tu comentario, por tu apoyo y amistad. Muchas gracias.
Wonderful! That's such a heartwarming compliment from you and your lovely wife! I'm pretty sure that, since she has already been involved with your architectural adventures since the beginning, she has truly learned to fall in love with the magnificent beauties of buildings, structures, interiors, monuments, etc. Kindly extend my warmest regards and sincere gratitude to Mercedes for skillfully documenting the incredibly stunning photos of that gorgeous Peruvian church. She definitely knows my design taste, haha. 😁 Again, thank you for everything dear friend. Have a delightful week ahead @marcosmilano71! 😊