Another thing that could be worrying for some is the external appearance, the resistance to the elements or simply the "what will they say" that worries society so much today.
As much as homeowners do their best to create houses that are aesthetically pleasing, the "Approval-Seeker Mentality" is merely a huge hindrance in their full completion. This will surely hamper creativity and delay the overall progress of a residential community.
Moreover, the innovative material of plastic as an inexpensive alternative to constructing some components of the so-called Half Houses" by renowned Chilean Architect Alejandro Aravena was certainly a major breakthrough in architecture. It's all about saving our world by being considerably smart with our building practices and resources plus being sustainable with Mother Nature in the long run. Thank you @randomproject123 for this incredibly educational and eye-opening post!
To be honest I don't aspire at least for the moment, to see an entire community made with recycled materials, although I do hope that more people will dare to build at least one planter or something small as an ornament. And the ideal thing, at least in Latin America, would be that someone important says: "of the money that I stole, I can allocate a part to that, it is cheap" (hypothetical case, we know that our countries there is no corruption or anything like that ..)
A pleasure as always to create content for your community, thanks for being open to my ideas and for taking the time to comment :D