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RE: Fundamental Stages in Building Construction

It is very exciting to be able to build our house from scratch rather than having to buy it ready-made, since we have the option to design it our way and to guarantee through the hiring of a good workmanship that the desired result will be obtained. Thank you for sharing your images and knowledge

Es muy emocionante poder construir nuestra casa desde el inicio a tener que comprarla ya lista, ya que tenemos la opción de diseñarla a nuestra manera y de garantizar a traves de la contratación de una buena mano de obra que se obtendrá el resultado deseado. Gracias por compartir tus imagenes y conocimiento


Yes @yosoyada building from scratch has a lot of benefits including those you have mentioned here.

Thank you for sharing your images and knowledge

I'm glad you like the images and the treatise. Regards friend!