Hi @aplusd. Probably you know it, so I ask, hope you don't mind. How should I post the sources/references for an image (I did it in the end, 2 pictures are not mine, but free to use), i posted the author, title, also the links, at the bottom. Should I post it next time under each image what i didnt take, like a msm news outlet? Also, I read the FAQ, but i didn't find anything about videos - not like i will link much, wanted to try that, too, so i will know it later. If I link a video from youtube or any other video sharing sites, what should I post next to that? Doesn't the video and the link speaks for itself?
The introduction part is not a coincidence. That's my pick. I believe in decentarlization, even in social media. I think it should work how they wrote in the FAQ, the given person can and will decide it. (Just privacy protection, won't harm anybody.) I think the big tech soc media way is just - very politely - not okay. Basically that's how, why i've found the Hive.
Maybe i write the first post in my blog about me, the basics what i want to share, I definitely won't make an introduction post unless it is not necessary (I checked those, doesn't make sense for me, didn't come here to earn money, the people with who i share some common ground will find me without that, and i will find them, too), otherwise i could go back and use the big tech soc media.
If I missed some changes about the indrotuction thing based on FAQ, please let me know, and i will reconsider it. Thank you!