Stopping by the pub a bit later than usual, good stuff here as always! It's interesting to see the STARPRO LP, given the concentration of STARPRO in one player's account and the generation of it. Not sure if I'd risk the impermanent loss with the potential swings there though.
I'll go in for the crypto shots give away, 5lsay.wam - thanks for running it!
Yeah... I don't know too... but there is very little supply... and always there will be. So, if the game gets like 100k users. Which I think it can, it's just a matter of time until things get crazy.
Either way, I kind of had to use/buy STARPRO to get the missions and cards I needed... so I have no choice anyhow. =)
Today I am on !WINE =) it's getting cold. !PIZZA would suit here too.
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