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RE: AteXoras 🍻 Pub Gathering - HPUDization!

in Pubs3 years ago

Good morning beautiful people! It is a hard time for everyone right now.
My thoughts go out to all those who are not safe, to all those who are afraid, to all those who feel stunned.
Be safe, seek shelter, seek conversations with your loved ones. If you are struggling with mental health: talk about it! It will help. It also helps humans around you to understand your situation which makes it easier for them to help you.

Spread !LUV not fake news

Be careful what you read and hear on twitter, a lot of false videos that have nothing to do with the conflict now are tweeted and retweeted over and over. Check your sources, do not share stuff that is claiming false facts.

Drink !BEER as long as you can. Call your friends and have a drink.

Eat !PIZZA as long as you can! Share it with your loved ones.

Reach out to people who need help. If anyone in our community is directly affected you have to know that the hive is big and we can all help together to help you!

Love from safe Austria


Hey Sol, good to see you here today. I'm glad you are well, Austria is so much closer to that craze that was started by 'Mr. Russia'. My heart goes out to all the Ukrainians and also to everyone else suffering in this war.

Your points are good - and I need to read a lot more to even begin to understand - well, I don't think I'll ever truly understand war...

Much !LUV

Hey Oceanbee hope you are doing good.
There is nothing understandable with war. It is the void of everything, it eats lives eats your happiness eats evrything. Nobody wins in a war.
Friends of mine in Hungary are bringing food and clothes to the border. Already over 300k refugees left Ukraine and over 60k of them crossed the border to Hungary. I hope the parties will at least do a cease fire and start negotiating. The other outcomes are just too scary to think of.

@oceanbee(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

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I think I should say Welcome to the Pub 😎

Hopefully, I can accommodate anyone here... seriously, if there was technology for that, that would be my immediate action to help anyone. Being so far away kind of, makes you feel both powerless and also kind of safe. Although the important part is to think about how to help. Even being this far away.

Some proper !PIZZA and may I ask if you prefer !BEER or !WINE?

!Pizza was yesterday IRL and homemade. I am most definitely a wine over beer person, though the occasional dark craft beer (porter or stout) is not too shabby :)

Thanks for the welcome! I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish my painting, too much going on in IRL.

Yeah, I get you on the distance and power/less feeling. Was talking to a friend in Germany yesterday and like Austria it is sooo much closer than NZ or the US. Though, if nukes were to be involved - which I don't hope or believe they will - that would be a different story.

I just hope a certain someone will come to his senses very soon but if I had to bet on it I'd bet against it :(

Okay, I'm babbling, Too long of a workday, the brain is fried, now relaxing with a martini... Have a great day down under in NZ!

Thanks for the welcome! I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish my painting, too much going on in IRL.

Don't worry about timings, does not have to be this week. I am just chasing people for opportunities.

Martini! That thing!!!! So long since I don't have one. Good relaxing moments and !LUV throughts.

Warheads, please rust and fail to ever work !LOL hopefully the arm mechanism will never work when required.

If you’re feeling paranoid...
You’re not alone.

Credit: reddit
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@solymi(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.

Thanks mate! Indeed a very tricky week. But I think things are going on the right path. Let's hope it all gets sorted soon. 🤞

Cheers with some !WINE

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