Shadow Hunters /SMASh Contest - Round 311

My dear Hive brothers and sisters, Assalamu Alaikum. Hope you all are well. I am also well by the grace of Allah.

I went to the market this morning. I left home in the morning. Some small cow calves are kept near our house. At this time the calves are tied with ropes. But today the calves were untied. They were eating grass. At that time, I saw a cow in the shadow of the field. Then I took the picture.

You might like the picture of the reflection that I took today.

Camera: Oppo a17

Allah Hafez


Loved the photo and the shade, and also that they were loose today, they are very pretty those calves. I send you greetings

Wonderful shadow of the calf


I love animal shadows, this week, I also had cows and calves in my image. Good luck 🍀