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RE: feel free to join in the next guess the shadow contest

But you’re using Presearch - that’s excellent!!!

For those who aren’t familiar, I’ll drop my spiel right here ;)

HERE is a recent post in which I briefly described my current experiences with the Presearch engine, and the banner below is my referral link to get started.


Would you like to get paid in crypto for searching the internet? Try using and signing up for Presearch to earn some great crypto! I've currently got 25.85 PRE tokens, with a market value of $7.75. It’s no fortune, but when you search using sites like Google you get paid $0.

Whether or not you choose to use my referral link, join Presearch to break Google's stranglehold on internet searches!!!

If you'd like to sign up, click or tap the banner above to use my referral link!


yes presearch is great to use