Your post made me aware how many great "photo models" I have right in front of my nose, as we all tend to look at our home sourroundings as normal.
How do you do? Eyes ok and your mind fully arrived back home?
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Doctors decided to give me a treatment instead of operating the eyes so now I have to wash them twice a day with a special foam. Hope it works. Rather frustrating but if it will make a difference for the better I won't complain. In a month we'll revise the situation. I really appreciate your concern and wish you good health news on your side!
Thats good hope it works! 🙏
Not much news here, weather in one or the other direction. But we can also see this as good news 🙂
Exactly, sometimes no news are good news.You have triggered positive thoughts on that from so many nice people in here (and absolutely deserved of course) that it's gonna work for the better one way or another 😉