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RE: Winners Shadow Hunters /SMASh Contest- Round 318

in Shadow Hunters11 months ago

🏆Congratulations to the winners of the Shadowhunters contest, round 318: @silversaver888, @sacra97, @idea-make-rich, @paulyoung1, @miprimerconcurso, @ekads, @annievictory, @suzana72, @mfontom, @captainman. Honorable mentions: @sherah, @oasiskp2, @aideleijoie. Thank you @melinda010100 and your team.🤗💐💚👍


Thank you

Thank you so much for the honor. I appreciate it so much.

Thank you so much

Thank you so much @blanca56

Thank you

Thanks 🙏


Thank you so much

Thanks a lot @blanca56 🌷🥰🎉