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RE: Reflections in the lake - Reflections Hunter Contest - Round 62

in Shadow Hunters • 3 years ago

Jaja, me acabo de dar cuenta de que crees que estaba en el parque a las 4 am🤣🤣🤣🤣
Creo que mezclaste comentarios de otro post y empezaste a hablar de Rodrigo que no podia dormir con el gato. Tengo un ataque de risa 🤣🤣😂
You are crazy, Super Ed!!!!


Well at least I made you laugh, yes tired so probably mixing up comments left right and centre, but I did wonder wtf you were doing at a park at 4 in the morning🤣🤣

Crazy indeed and Happy Wednesday Super Eli!

Haha! You don't have to mix comments to make me laugh, Super Ed! And I'm a bit crazy, but not crazy enough to go to the park at 4 am!

jeje maybe I infect you with mas crazinees muahh

Jaja! Mas locura 🙀😹😸😺😽

jaja dont make me spill my coffee 🤣

