My dear friends,
today I like to explain about the road construction process step by step.
Iβm @dhanushkath from Sri Lanka, how are you all? I hope you are well
Road construction
We can study step by step process of the general road construction. Before buildup the road first we should do the necessary investigation for take require data for road designing process. According to the prediction of applied axle load, traffic condition and subgrade (existing soil) condition of the road closely tested and done the necessary testing for get require test results for road designing process. Road building process strictly according to the designing drawings according to design engineer details.
First clean the existing road or footpath and clearing and grubbing was done. Remove the overhanging branches, trees, rock debris of existing roadway.
|Description |Subgrade Preparation |
|Description |Shoulder subgrade Preparation |
Then according to requirements road width sometime we want to increase. So then remove existing unsuitable material of proposed carriageway area and compact the ground sub grade.
Then fill the cut sub grade to existing level and compaction of that filling material was done.
Then according to the drawings sub base layer placed. And compaction was done normally soil use as sub base material.
Then apply the base layer as aggregate base course layer and properly compacted was done.
Then apply the prime coat layer. Apply the bituminous material tar mixture properly bond the top of the base course layer and act as a water proof layer.
|Description |Priming the Base layer |
Then apply the asphalt concrete surfacing layer for finishing layer. Before apply asphalt concrete apply the tack coat layer for stick the primed aggregate base course layer and asphalt concrete layer.
|Description |Laying Asphalt concrete surface layer|
|Description |Compaction of Asphalt concrete|
For protection of the both side of the road to get lateral support and usage as a vehicle parking and pedestrian both side of the rod create with shoulder area. That area fills with soil and slope of the that space outside of the road surface.
After finishing the road works, we plant the grass for protection of road slope and embankment area for protection from rain, vehicles and to get good appearance. after plant the grass both side of the road slope will protect. No washout no loosing was occurred.
|Description |Turfing|
Then apply the road marking and place the road sign board for protection of the pedestrian and safety of the vehicle, pedestrian.
|Description |Road marking|
This step was brief description of road building process.If you have any clarification, please comment in comment section. I hope you enjoyed lot and take some idea about road construction. Thanks everyone.