Shadows of family hehehe

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago

I've been meaning to join in with the fun, and have specifically taken photos JUST FOR THAT PURPOSE ..LOL

And TODAY I finally get to join in the mix! Hehehe

This one (I hope you can see it) was a fun one!!! My daughter has these sunglasses with golden lenses, and as we were on our walk, she turned her head I said HOLD IT!!! THIS IS FOR SHADOW HUNTERS!!! 😂😂😂😂😂

Take a look ..can you see it???? Look close.... Lol


THAT SHADOW HAS COLOR!!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAA. I thought that was the coolest thing!!!!

And then, I became obsessed with getting a family shadows - which isn't always the most appealing for ME!

THEY LOOK GREAT cuz they are all lean and tall. Hahahahaha I have a "curvier shadow" hahahha 😂

But I still love it!!!!

So WHO CAN TELL ME what the 2nd shadow from the left is holding???

Hehehe. It almost looks like he has TWO HEADS 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

ONE HIVE for the first person who gets it! 😋


So.... Are you like me?

You've been meaning to join in the fun and just haven't gotten around to it?? DO IT!!! you're never too early or too late .. there is just constantly a shadow waiting to be accepted! 🤗

It's so fun, and @melinda010100 does a great job of making everyone feel like they belong whenever she interacts with you!!!

Don't you just love these challenges that are more about making connection in the Hive community???? I do!!!! 🥰

Can't wait to see yours!!!


Family on the road shadowed. Wish you luck in the contest! 😎 👏

hehehehe thank you!!! I'm not sure what the win is for the contest - but I just wanted to get into the fun of it!!! :)

You're welcome! 😎 There were usually 5 photos, chosen, each get 2 HIVE and 100 Ecency points.

oh nice! heheheh ok! I entered it onto the contest post now heheh

Love the shadows especially the second one of the family and my gues sis that 2nd shadow is carrying a guitar

HEHEHEHE YES... but... I think I saw that someone else said it before you! I have to edit the comments according to time - and see who came first LOL

I just looked at the comments and I definitely wasn’t first

hehehe well you got it right too :) nicely done!

oh my gosh i jsut got hit with the heaviest wave of tired. LOL

apparently i found the cure to my inability to sleep.


Ohh yeah jet lag does it to you for sure I remember that from all the travels I did

hahahahaha you know ... I must be getting old LOLOL

because jetlag never used to phase me in the least.

BUT NOW... hahahaha

OR - I guess it could have been the fact that I didn't sleep the night before.

yes... let's say that instead hahaha

I must admit up until my late 40’s jet lag seldom bothered me but then it started kicking my you know what

I just came across this your contest and i love it, is it still on ? I will love to join.

Posted via

The Shadow Contest is ongoing! You can enter anytime and I will look forward to seeing an entry from you!

oh! this isn't my contest! hehehe

This is @melinda010100 's contest - but yes!!! it's always going on! go follow her for more details hehehehe it's so fun! :)

if you enter - make sure you tag me in the comment section so i can come visit!!! :)

Is he holding a giant alien variety of butternut squash?! Otherwise everyone is looking a bit shady...

Great shots tho


I'm so far behind on answering my comments LOL when I travel - I feel like so much of the day is just LOST. sometimes I'll buy the wifi on the plane just so i can keep up hehehehe

but yesterday - I watched a movie and was extra lazy LOLOL

Nuttin wrong with bein lazy sometimes, as long as you share the secret location of that alien squash...

Area 51, of course!!!! LOL

Dammit I had it right in one, now if only they will share the seeds...?

they can.... but you don't want to know how they share them...


Still haven't recovered from my last probe... Maybe I'll try and get a smaller alien vegetable...

I'm not sure what I see but I'm hearing an epic soundtrack leading to a crazy finale on the second picture😆

hahahahahaahahahaha I love it! I want to get inside your head then! LOL

It is so lovely to see you here in the Shadow Hunters Community! You are right, there are always new shadows waiting to be captured! This is a wonderful family shadow shot!
To be officially entered in the contest remember to post your link on the contest post!

oh ok!!! Let me do that right now! :)

sorry - i'm just catching up on sleep and travel stuff hahahaha

let me drop it now :)

Busy times! I'm trying to catch up, too! 😜

i feel like catching up is impossible at this point and I should just call this week a wash ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLL

He carries a guitar in its bag...

hehehe YES you won!!! :)

will send you your hive in a bit :)

yesterday was madness and i'm JUST getting started today and its 12:44 LOLOL

I was up earlier - but then hanging with mom and dad and enjoying breakfast and their lanai and a walk with my daughter and now... it's back to business - oh my gosh, I have too much to catch up on hahahaha

YES!! I WON!!! How great is that??

I can imagine things must have been hectic. As long as you arrived safely and you and your daughter are enjoying the time with your parents now.

Enjoy the time and make the most of it!!

hehehe you did!!!!!! you got it right and you were FAST! It should be in your wallet now

We are here safe and sound - had a special treat of going to out to lunch with my aunt and mom - and then my daughter snuck away and talked to the waitress and paid for the whole meal!!!!!!!! we were dying!!!!!!! hehehehehe

so so special! :)

My aunt just went back home (she lives very close to my mom) but will be back later tonight we think :)

That is so awesome!

I'm glad to hear that you are safe and enjoy your visit...Well, I knew you were safe... had a chat with you this!

That's so beautiful what your daughter has done. I haven't even met her yet...but tell her I'm proud of her for treating you guys in such a manner!!

And yes, It is in my wallet, thank you so much!

hehehehe she is an incredible young woman.

if i start writing this comment about her - i will never end.

so let me just say... i am blessed by her immensely 😍

I will send the tip to this comment - but it should appear in your wallet ;)

Great stuff! No problem!