My Entry for the Shadow Hunter's (SMASh) Contest - Round 355

in Shadow Hunters2 months ago

Cats are known for their ability to seek out warmth. Recently, my friend's cat has made a rather funny choice; she has taken to sitting in the sunniest part of the garden, which happens to be the top of the rubbish bin! She did me a favour, though, as I might not have spotted the nice shadow of the tree next to her.

My entry to the Shadow Hunter's (SMASh) Contest - Round 355. Thank you to @melinda010100 and the team for running the contest.

Its not just cats that seek the sun. My neighbours have some free range guinea fowls as pets. They come round to me to bask in the sun.

Once the sun goes down, they go back home to roost in the trees.

The shadows of trees can have a positive impact as it lifts your spirits when the sun comes out. Roll on Spring!


Very smart cat! Those birds are also clever! Sunshine is so vital for life!

My pleasure. 🙂

Wonderful shadow photos!


Thank you. ❤️

How great that your friend's flock climbed onto the trash can, thanks to which you have seen this beautiful shadows
What a beautiful collection of shadow projections
Have a great dayGood afternoon dear friend @ellenripley

Thank you very much @jlufer. ❤️

Namaste🙏, Good morning, you have shared beautiful shadow of dual guinea fowls.

Thank you @idea-make-rich. 🙏