announcing the 11th guess the shadow contest

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago (edited)

50% of the beneficiary rewards to this post go in support of #hive-179017

while you are in the neighborhood, join the shadow hunters contest here:

and the amazing reflection hunters photo contest here:

i would like to express my sincere appreciation to all our generous sponsors @hive-179017 @ecency @taskmanager @pixresteemer and @galenkp and a special thanks to OCD for the support they provide.

first a little info about this contest:
each week i post a new image of a shadow and the contestants try to guess what is making it. the first to surmise what it is gets the main prize but there are also prizes for other guesses. there's not so much fun in everybody guessing what somebody else already has guessed- the more creative the reply, the more the prize. the idea is to have fun so if you are contributing to the fun somehow, you'll likely qualify for something.

normally the prizes for this contest are 3 HIVE and 300 POINTS. these are provided by our ehived (that's HIVE- speak for esteemed) leader @melinda010100.

we also have a special prize- the venwood prize awarded to the venwoodest reply. that is HIVE-speak for an extraordinary reply which stretches the limit of what is conceivable to the point where it bursts. bursts out in laughter, that is. the venwood prize shall only be awarded for advanced effort abounding with fantastical elucidation. a one-liner just won't do,

a venwood approach to a mystery is not to attempt to reveal some profound hidden truth, but rather to remove the weight of darkness from the unknown thereby lightening the load for all those fortunate enough to happen upon such a response. by extension it is an approach to life itself.

the prize is 0 to 3 HIVE as long as supplies last. the prize came about as a result of a gift from a kindhearted contestant who entered the venwoodest replies imaginable. yet he is overly modest and shy so he insisted that he remain anonymous. any and all contributions to this "prize fund" are most welcome. 100%.of all contributions shall be awarded to the contestants.

and now finally here is the mystery image!
what on earth is making this shadow???

you are not going to believe me when i tell you who the judge is for this week. it's related to the portal my shadow opened in this post a few days ago:


check that out and i will tell that story when the winners are announced May 11th.

remember HIVE and/or POINTS are given for the correct answer and even for quite improbable ones. our charitable judges may also recommend nominations to pixresteemer. if you think some ________ (-body else) has beaten you to your guess, there's no need to throw in the sponge, Bob, the point is we're here to have some fun, so do join in.

this contest still has just one basic rule:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
please live by it at least until midnight May 10th.


what on earth is making this shadow???

Looks like a person with a gun.

thanks for guessing

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This is a kid playing.
I guess i guessed it right this time, believe me.
!GIPHY guess

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Let me guess the shadow in a funny way 😂.
I think it is a humanoid rabbit carrying a baby bag on her back with her baby on it. May be they are looking for a carrots😂.

thanks for guessing

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Me quedé por largo tiempo observando la sombra y Vi claramente a una pareja .El hombre muerde el cuello de la mujer, ella tiene algo como una corona en su cabeza.Tal vez es Drácula 👹

deepL translation is: I stayed for a long time observing the shadow and I saw clearly a couple, the man bites the woman's neck, she has something like a crown on her head, maybe it is Dracula.👹

thanks for guessing

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¡Tu conjetura es buena y tan divertida!

It looks like a statue of a man holding a big fish. While riding a car because he is about to cook the fish for their dinner

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I see a man riding a motorcycle, shooting with a gun. I imagine a context of zombie apocalypse hahah! Or worse, military repressing in a protest. 😬 😆

It is clearly an imaginary interpretation. I don't think I have guessed reality 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

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I guess it is a lady doing an activity with her mouth, something like eating or playing an instrument. At first, I thought it was a baby in a pushchair playing or something hahaha
I totally love this challenge! Waiting for more 😁

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Wow! This time isn't so easy 😅 but I'll try my best. This is funny. At first time I saw a man with a gun but later I saw a couple kissing. The woman have like a kind of Crown but in the reality I think is a person carry some kind of garden tools or something like that 🙈🤞😅

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See, the worst thing is, once your mind makes sense of part of it, you can't unsee the thing your mind makes it up to be! So now, I'm stuck with a aiming gunman holding up one of his legs in a super weird position while standing next to a tractor cabin!

I am pretty sure I've got it wrong again.

thanks for guessing

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I love reading all the guesses everyone makes and this is my favourite contest because it's so much fun. Here's my guess for this round:

This is a giant bee that just landed on a giant daisy (only the center is partially visible in the left corner), in a giant world of mystery located in an isolated and hidden area on earth. The bee is so huge, that it has to carry a basket on its back to collect all the pollen from even one giant flower.

thanks for guessing

Thank you, onward FUN!

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That is an inflatable flying toaster!!! 😂🤘🏽

Ok for real now 😁 This is someone sitting on top of something holding a tractor grille and a paper plane, obviously! 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼

thanks for guessing

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I want to see more than just the shadow if that's what it is! 😂