two kilometers north of Stavern, Norway is an interesting historical area called Agnes. while there are some interesting iron age features here, Agnes is more known for it's industries. for over 150 years there was a factory producing matches and more recently particle board products for housing. the factories were bought up by competitors and closed down in 2002. some of the original buildings remain along with newer ones which have been converted into office space and studios but today's activity is a mere shadow of the once thriving industry. these seemingly unconnected photos are all taken within 200 meters of each other here at Agnes.
i like the lines in this entry shot. compare the different shadows of the yellow and especially the white cables and how they break up the otherwise austere setting. and don't miss the color change of the metal rod partly in the sun and partly in the shadow. this is proof that yellow-orange light gives purple-blue shadows.
some thin wintery sticks against a cement wall
can you guess what this is a shadow of?
here's a hint
still no clue? not to worry, spring is not too far away. meantime at least we have this shadow of a spring not much comfort i know, but what to do?
this building now houses my friend's ceramic studio. the shadow here may not be so interesting but it did give me the opportunity to show off this awesome classic slate roof. unfortunately there are not too many off those left.
maybe sometime late in March this rosebush will be ready to prune. gonna need good gloves, even the shadows of the thorns look quite sharp.
i'm guessing this rose has been neglected for a few years. it doesn't look so great but the shadows are healthy enough.
finally some reflections among the shadows. the bottom left section of the image is a little curious. the sunlight on the windows is reflected on the cobblestone driveway and the dark stripes between the patches of light are the shadows of the columns separating the windows, right?
well no actually those shadows are cast inside the building. for the shadows to be cast outside on the driveway the sunlight would have to be coming through the building from the backside. the dark stripes have nothing to do with the windows or columns. only the reflected light from the windows is breaking up what would otherwise be a large solid shadow from a building to the right outside of the photo. tricky ones, eh?
and last but not least here's what caused the shadow mentioned above. i was wondering if there are many shadow hunters who would be interested in a "guess the shadow" type contest. please comment either way.
@eolianpariah I think you would have great community support if you give this a go! I know you will do a great job with it. I'm happy to promote it and donate some prizes.
using pixresteemer seems like a good way of deciding the winner if there are more than one correct. i can start this off but i don't have a lot of images to guess. i was thinking more like the winner takes on the responsibility for the next contest. if no winner then the person who posted the image repeats until there is a winner. what i can't see how to do is keeping the answers private until the contest is finished.
as soon as one person guesses what seems to be correct then anybody can read that answer and just copy. that doesn't seem like it would interesting after a few times
Why don't you do it one time, and see what the response is and what issues come up and then decide if you think it can become an ongoing contest. Maybe you could give a prize for the first correct guess, then a 2nd prize for the funniest guess and maybe one random draw for all the rest of the comments. A 3 Hive prize package?
ok i posted. let's see how it goes
Since I have absolutely no idea what that could possibly be I think the the winner should get 1 Hive. A nomination into @pixresteemers Re-hive contest is a great idea. And how about a prize of 10 @ecency POINTS for clever /funny guesses?
sounds great. it is possible nobody guesses correctly so the 10 points for clever/funny is a good solution. i am just reluctant to do the judging on that myself. maybe there could be some way of all participants voting on that, i don't know how much work that would be to organize.
The winners might be obvious and I am happy to help judge. @seckorama might be a great person to help with your contest.
you did guess the horse though, right??😁😁😁
I love all these great shadow photos! I promoted this on Ecency and reblogged it in hopes we might get an answer to your final question! I think it's such a fun idea.
What do you think of this idea? @jlufer @galenkp @seckorama @annephilbrick @olgavita @gertu @nelinoeva @ninahaskin
Certainly! I'm on board with anything that has to do with the Shadow Hunters Community! @melinda010100
Friend @melinda010100 whatever you decide so that we can all continue having fun with the shadow contest I will support you.
I think it can be not a bad idea but if you announce it sometimes, not on the regular basis, and inside the basic contest which I love a lot. 💝
Ordinary objects may produce shadows pretending they are something very different - other objects or creatures. I think, that could be a criteria but not guessing ( "guess the shadow" sounds good as the name in this case too!) It is only my opinion - I will support any your decision, dear @melinda010100.
Like we do with @annephilbrick 's Reflection Contest, @pixresteemer and with the Shadow Contest we can keep this pinned at top of the Community posts so that it is visable and easy to find.
i mentioned in the guess the shadows post that all correct but not first answers would get a nomination to pixresteemer. i did not clear that through you so i hope i did not promise something we can't keep. i don't know anything about how that works.
the way it looks so far is that there is a lot of interest but not so many guesses. of course there is still time but i was wondering if it would it be an idea for all answers to get the nomination at least until there are more replies. i mentioned the deadline is march 1
one more thing, i never meant the money from the upvotes to be my income, it comes into my account but it is for the community so i wonder how and where to transfer it. i didn't think about this before the votes started coming in
Pixresteemer takes the 10 Shadow Contest Winners and chooses 3 to win his contest each week. He allows other nominations, and you could nominate a few, but they may not be chosen by him as winners.
It might be better to give out POINTS!
You can set hive-179017 as a beneficiary on you next contest post. 50% for the community would be very fair. Keep some for yourself for the work you do. To do that go into advance settings at the bottom of the post editor. To see what bene awards have been set on any post just click on the $ amount of the post.
I'll be by soon to take a look at how it's going!
Guess the shadow sounds intresting and creative. I would love to have some challenge of this kind.
Some shadows may trick us, but that will be fun and all that is fun - thumbs up.
Thanks for supporting this! ♥️
It is a very interesting, viable and fun idea, it is a matter of shaping it. However, whatever you decide, you know that you have our support, dear friend @ melinda010100
thank you for your post, have a great week
Love the idea, as a shadow friend and feathered fan i want to help, i will also contact Melinda
great. if you have any shadows you think would be a good challenge it would help a lot. i don't have so many so if this is going to continue we need shadows. otherwise i am very open to how to best organize this. i do not consider this my baby so any suggestions are most welcome