entry smash 205: shadow boxing

we were just messing around with our shadows in the low winter sun. my shadow was a lot longer than @hindavi's so i stood a ways back to get the heads near level.

unintentionally this turned out to look like a boxing match

but i can assure you no wife beating or even husband beating occurred that day

and i can prove that i wasn't even close to her

the real reason i am posting this is because of the mysterious disappearance of the left side mid-section of her shadow. i don't know how it is possible it is certainly not edited away. to my knowledge there was no reflected light shining where the shadow should be. anybody got any suggestions what happened??


solution to the mystery: if you look closely the shadow on the left is from the tree with the low branch. due to the uneven terrain her shadow veers to the right creating what looks like a bulge in her stomach. this leaves an illuminated area between the shadow of the tree with a branch and her shadow!! mystery solved. if you like this kind of thing why not check out the guess the shadow contest here: https://ecency.com/hive-179017/@eolianpariah/entry-smash-205-shadow-boxing

Nice selfie shadows you share with us. Thank you for participating in the Shadow hunters contest! 👏 😎

Shadows do the oddest things! Great entry photo and a fun post! Thanks for entering the shadow contest again.