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RE: Shadows and reflections contest entry: @deerjay

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago

There's only been a couple of double entries so far. The focus will be on quality, interest and originality and the shadows or reflections, through the judging process so if a user can put two really good ones together then there's a better chance of earning a placing.


It's been a long time since I did a silly story because..well..I've had a lot going on for a while which makes me feel like people don't care so much for a little silliness and my own frame of mind has not been in such a great place. Maybe a little silliness is what some people need right now though including me. I'm definitely working on that 2nd entry though but I have to feel like it is right and try to do the thought process in my head right and get it finished in time. 🙂

I think a little silliness is always relevant, and if it makes you feel good then even more so. You still have a bit if time for that entry so see if you can get it done.