For about the last three years I've been seeing shadow hunters posts pop up now and then and for some reason haven't really taken much notice. I guess I've just been focused on my own thing, posting and commenting, and haven't found the time to get involved. That changed yesterday.
Shadow Hunters Community and learned a little more about it plus received a warm welcome to the community and invitation to enter one of the weekly competitions. How nice of her.I exchanged a few messages with @melinda010100 who heads up the
Basically one simply takes a photo of a shadow or reflection and does a post then links the post to the competition post which comes out on Friday's I think.
That's pretty much it. The competition runs all week and once closed on the following Friday winners are announced that afternoon.
Further to the opportunity to post some great content and get some engagement from other users prizes are offered which is cool, I may even throw some hive into the reward pool myself in weeks to come. Of course, relationship-building through engagement with others is the biggest reward in my opinion.
There's a few basic rules which you can see in this post so make sure you get familiar with them before entering or shoot @melinda010100 a comment and check with her.
I think there's a different contest for shadows and reflections that run simultaneously so make sure you decide which you want to enter and then just go for it!
You don't have to be an amazing photographer or have expensive equipment; It doesn't matter what your skill level is, you're welcome and encouraged, to enter! Just make sure your photo is original, and your own!
Semaphore beach, South Australia
I decided to enter this week myself and have chosen this image above taken at the beach near where I live. It was a beautifully-still evening, warm at around 30°C, and the ocean was almost dead flat.
As the tide slipped away it left standing water in pools up on the beach which you can see in the foreground. The two people in the centre of shot are standing on the beach between the pool and the ocean and the still pool has reflected the sky which is pretty cool I think.
This was one of the first shots I took with my new camera purchased that week and I thought it might be a decent entry for the reflection hunters week 3 but the purpose of my post is more about bringing some attention to the Shadow Hunters Community and the shadow hunters and reflection hunters weekly competitions.
If you're looking for something cool to get involved with you should check this out. You don't need to be a great photographer or have the best equipment, just get involved and have some fun. Get engaged. Just make sure you check out the rules and you'll be good to go.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
That's an awesome shot, are you proud of it XD
you should be
I'm not sure proud is the right word. Am I happy with it? Yep, it's a good shot, one of my better ones. I like the fact I don't edit anything, I don't know how to use Photoshop etc. What you see is what you get with me I guess.
Thanks Ry, I appreciate your nice words.
I like wysiwyg. In people, things and post editors.
Moreso in people and things as sometimes editors make very messy code but they have gotten a hell of a lot better over time too XP
So...You're the queen of WYSIWIG...I should say you'd wear that honour like a crown right? I would. A WYSIWIG crown made of WYSIWIGiness.
Absolutely not, that's one of the things I would rather better coders than me take care of and just make it available for me to implement XD
And honestly crowns look pretty uncomfortable O_O
Yeah, the only crown I'm interested in is Crown Mints. Love those things!
tokens.What a stunning shot, I would love to do that for a music video, the quality of it, the composition, the clouds... Aaaaah (I just fainted).
Thanks a lot! I just got lucky with this one I think, everything came together pretty well and it turned out good. Most of the shots I take are fails. 😁 I like this one though.
Like the universe aligns itself for that specific moment, right?
Yep, and when that happens one shouldn't question it...Just roll with it.
You start your participation in this contest with a podium photo (I'm not 100% sure because I only looked at a few photos from the contest, and they are very good). Your photo is unique because it combines a reflection with silhouettes, I really like it, I'm glad you entered this "hunting" club and I wish you success in the competition.
Thank you, I appreciate your comments grestly. To be honest I just wanted to bring some more attention to the community and help them out a little. Communities are difficult to build unless there's a whale to tender votes into it which isn't the case here, so every little bit of assistance comes in handy.
Thanks for commenting and I hope you have a good weekend.
I understand that you want to help the community to have a better visibility and thank you for that. I hope it will have the desired result. Have a nice week!
Please forgive the delayed answer.
No stress on the delay, we all get busy; Thanks for your kind comment.
My pleasure!
The photo is incredible, I don't think I've ever seen one like it.
Thank you...I waited for a long tome for that pool to be totally still...Beach goers kept stepping in it despite seeing me there trying to get a photo...There was almost a secondary photo of someone getting a thrashing on the beach...Them, not me.😂 Nah, not really, it was all good...Took ten minutes though, and my old knees don't enjoy bending too much these days.
It was worth it, excellent work!
I'll tell my knees that. Lol.
Nah, seriously I appreciate your comments. I'm a point and shoot sort of photographer and don't edit stuff in photoshop and those sort of editing suites. So, when someone likes what I've done I feel sort of good about it. So, thank you.
This one's for shadow hunters or reflection hunters or shadection hunters? Needs its own class. I got some colors outta the sky tonight, that's all I got, colorection.
Not A Filter On It
#colorhunters - Let's get it trending.
Please note I have used the American spelling of colour as an homage to your Americaninity.
Anyway, you should get on the reflection/shadow community...I would imagine with all your travels you'll have something suitable.
Actually, now I think of it I have been mulling over a new community and I might run it by you on Discord.
You even left the U out. I'm in!
You can coupon me by brother.
Wow !🌞🌞
A very sublime and inviting landscape view this is...!
Fantastic luminous Reflection 🌞!
Thank you for encouraging others to share there Reflections and Shadows with Shadow Hunters Community.
Thank you for sharing yours.
The Reflection contest is new and I'm excited to help the community grow.
:-) @galenkp
You're welcome, I'm happy to help draw some attention to communities that actively support the community in general and its members. I know how hard it is to grow communities as I have three of my own. :)
What are your communities @galenkp?
The Pew
Fairly niche communities and at least two don't appeal to a very wide audience.
Thanks so much for this great post promoting Shadow Hunters! Your photo is beautiful and is an excellent entry for the Reflection Contest which runs from Tuesday to Tuesday and is hosted by @annephilbrick, one of the Shadow and Reflection Hunters Community mods.
The Shadow Hunters Contest Runs from Friday until Friday and you are right, both contests require that you enter your link onto the contest post so that we don't overlook anyone.
I tend to look at both contests, not as a competition, but rather as a curation effort to spread Hive around! And your generous donation to the prize fund this week has certainly helped us do that! Your support will be appreciated by everyone in the community! ♥️
You're welcome and thanks for your kind words about my entry, really just an excuse to do a promotion post to be honest. 🙄
I'll probably update my post omitting the word competition to align with your ethos but for now I'm off to the range to shoot - Just a typical Saturday morning although this one is pouring with rain...Very odd for February, one our hottest (driest) months of the year!
Anyways, I'll send some more hive for some prizes in due course. Happy to help out.
I used some of my POINTS to promote your post over on Ecency, hoping that helps more people to see it!
Have fun at the range and keep your powder dry... Oh wait, that probably doesn't apply here! 😁
Thanks Melinda, I hope my little post draws some more attention to the community and a few more shadow/reflection posts.
My powder is always dry, I'm not though, like today.
You have a good skill in photography. The photo is excellent. After all really amazing photography by @galenkp
Yay! 🤗
Your post has been boosted with Ecency Points.
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Cheers, I appreciate it.
Magnificent photograph.
Thank you, I'm happy with how it came out.
How good it is that you are participating in this beautiful challenge, you have chosen a very beautiful photograph to participate. Excellent shot, I really like its bright colors, a perfect reflection
Welcome and many successes. Have funHow are you @galenkp good afternoon
Hi mate, thanks for your comments. I've seen the community from time to time and never really felt inclined to join in, not for lack of interest, more because I've been more focused elsewhere. I'll be happy to throw a photo in now and then though and hope to gain the community some additional interest in the process.
Yes!!! I love both competitions and have loved entering! There a monochrome contest too, but when I posted last week they gave me a bit of cheek on only posting one pic. Unfortunately I only had 1 to post. But anyway, each to his own. I won’t be winning that one anyway. This one was a finalist in the shadow contest a couple weeks back. Max was chuffed 😂
There's Max and his Marvelous Shadow! I'm so glad you entered this one. I enjoyed having him as the cover photo on the Winners post all week!
😂 little legend. Now I’ll have to try to get a good one of Minki, his sister. I entered her into the monochrome contest and she was a finalist there! #makingmydogsfamous one post at a time.
Awww! My real life best friend recently got a Chihuahua puppy. I have not been able to meet it yet because of quarantine but I can't wait!
tokens.I didn't know one had to post more than one photo?
I don’t think you do for shadowhunters and reflection hunters, it seems that the monochrome folk want more backstory and to experience the whole mood. Anyway. I thought it was a bit cheeky.
Ah ok, you meant the black and white folk. Well, I guess if it's their concept they can make the rules. I'm not one to give much support to people who simply throw a photo up myself to be honest, I like to know a little more, that backstory you mention I suppose. Still, sometimes the photo speaks for itself right?
Looking forward to your future posts mate.Ah! The G-dog has arrived. Welcome @galenkp and good to see you here in #shadowhunters @melinda010100 and me come a long way together and you are in the best company here.
Thanks mate, I'll do one now and then. I hoped to draw a bit of attention to the community with this post and I hope it does so.
Oh yes I saw that and we can only hope that it works.
I also do one now and then, but I don't have your pulling power.
Great going Galen.
You do ok Zac, you're well respected here mate, and deservedly so. I'll be around, I'll snap some shadows. Maybe my own...That thing follows me around you know, like a shadow. 😁
You and your brother reveal interesting dimensions in your replies my friend.
A dry with salted by some ingenuity.
Best way that I can describe it.
I don't know what to say to this other than I believe life is too short to be boring all the time. Why not have a laugh. Also, the dry humour thing is probably due to my Australian upbringing. 🙂
A good effort and a life with no laugh is no life.
Dry wit is also rampant here in South Africa and I think that it's left overs from the wars with the Europeans. As you know a bunck of convicts were put on a ship and sent to Aus many years ago, so that must have been the origin in your case.
Hello; @galenkp
Reach us on Discord to learn more about the project!
We appreciate your work and your post was manually shared on Twitter by @papilloncharity from the DNA team! Please also visit the @combination account and participate in the weekly giveaway numbers draw to get this badge and to stand a chance to win some Hive!
This is absolutely magical my friend it was worth the hassle even though you had to deal with them unconsidered people 😆
My knees thank you...They did all the work, kneeling down waiting for the shot to happen. 🤣
Thanks mate, I pointed the camera and clicked...And got lucky. I appreciate the kind words though, greatly.
Good luck but i can see this one been a winner already 👍
Lovely dreamy moment!
Your amazing photography was shared and upvoted by @PhotoCuration, an initiative by professional photographers whose aim is to appreciate, support and add value to good photography here on the blockchain.
Keep up the great work and have a wonderful day!
Thank you I greatly appreciate your favourable comment and share.
Amazing reflection photo. Congrats! You're really happy to live near this beach. 😎 👏 👏
Thank you so much. Yes, it's close by so I get to go there several times a week for a walk. It's relaxing.
wow such an amazing photograph you have taken it reall9y looks amazing and 100 % perfect frame 😍🙏
Thank you, I appreciate you saying so and taking the time to comment.
Still my favourite photo every time it pops up on my feed. I reckon you may be the winner this week (but then are you winning your own hive prize??? 😂.) you deserve it!
I'll not win and should someone decide I did I'd send any reward back anyway. I'm a sponsor and as such am ineligible to win; That's how it should be.
Incredible photos @galenkp!!!
Grazie per il tuo gentile commento.
Prego. Scrivi sempre meravigliosamente.
Sei molto gentile. 😉
Non sei australiano?
Lol, yeah I'm Australian, born and bred! I just speak a little Italian and French also. Not much, just enough to travel there and get by with the locals. I'm as Australian as it gets though.
I speak a few languages actually.
English, American, Australian, Australian slang, Swear, some French and Italian and the most important...The international language (of love.) 🤣
Very impressive!!! Yeah, travel gives you the practice.
Hahaha, Swear... is that a language?
Keep it up!
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