here. Read up and do join us in the fun, if you haven't yet.Hello once again Shadow Hunters. I'm quite happy to be able to participate in the Show Me A Shadow or SMASh Contest Round 340. The last time I joined was in Round 326! Wow. 14 weeks ago. No wonder I miss our awesome contest host and good friend, @melinda010100. But as I always say, "Once a SMASher, always a SMASher." And I have been actively hunting for shadows despite my very very busy schedule. I know everyone here can relate to that. Check out the contest link
One night last week, my grandson cum SMASh partner in crime and I were walking in the garden when suddenly he aimed his phone's flashlight on one of my wife's bougainvillea plant. He immediately called me and asked me to look at the shadows. I knew he hit the jackpot with this as I took photos of the shadows.
The shadow above is cast on the plain galvanized iron sheet which we attached to our cyclone wire fence. This is to give us a bit of privacy from neighbours and passers-by as the iron sheet covers us from them.
Here are some other shots I took.
In case you're wondering how the plant looks like see the photo below.
Thanks to my grandson for creating and pointing out the shadows. My entry for this Round is the first photo.
And that's all for this first part of my garden shadow trophies. Stick around for part 2. Meanwhile, may you all have a blessed rest of the week.
( All photos are mine.)
These are some great shadow 👍
Thanks for the appreciation. Glad you liked them ☺️
wow, what an interesting image
I thought so too. The first photo actually reminded me of a stick figure with arms and legs sticking out. 😊
Yes, right.
My pleasure 👌
Thank you 😊
I've missed you, too! Great to see you and your grandson back again with wonderful shadows.
Hi,,,, I think this is the shadow, haha
Greetings, it is very certain that this is the chosen shadow