Shadow Hunters Contest Round 126

in Shadow Hunters5 years ago


Le pedi a mi hermana que posara para fotografiar su sombra, y ha quedado super comica, pues sus lentes se perfilan con su nariz y queda una figura muy graciosa, acompañada de su alborotado cabello y su ropa de casa jajaja, todo un personaje esta sombra, totalmente diferente a la modelo.

I asked my sister to pose to photograph her shadow, and it has been super comical, because her glasses are outlined with her nose and there is a very funny figure, accompanied by her tousled hair and her home clothes hahaha, quite a character this shadow , totally different from the model.


enlace Esta es mi participacion para el concurso de la amiga @melinda010100 quien semana a semana nos motiva a convertirnos en cazadores de sombras a traves de su genial concurso, aun estas a tiempo, si te animas aca te dejo el

This is my participation for the contest of the friend @ melinda010100 who week after week motivates us to become shadow hunters through her great contest, even if you are on time, if you dare here I will leave you the link

Gracias por leerme, saludos y mucho éxito a todos.

Thanks for reading, greetings and a lot of success to everyone.

La imagen es de mi autoria, tomada con mi celular Samsung J2 Prime.
Para esta publicacion use el traductor de google.

The image is of my authorship, taken with my Samsung J2 Prime cell phone.
For this publication use the google translator.



It is so funny how shadows distort the reality of the image! I'm sure your sister is lovely, but you are right, that shadow is comical! Tell her thanks for letting you enter it into the Shadow Contest

Gracias a ti amiga, por mantenernos activos.

Feathered Friends Comment Contest - Round 3@melinda010100 wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @melinda010100 if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @genomil! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @melinda010100!

Hola, gracias por el apoyo.
Saludos y mucho exito.