#Reflection Hunters entry - The Guggenheim, but not as you know it

It's a very photogenic building, I've had maybe three posts about it already, and there is at least one more to come after this one, but today I will present to you some views of the Guggenheim in Bilbao Spain that you may not have seen before.

Most people chases the flowing organic shapes of the metal that make up the main building, but what about the other views, Reflections of the Guggenheim in other buildings?

The golden balls outside the Museum other an interesting reflections of the pond, looking even better than normal by having the red dots of the Kusama exhibition in it

Guggeinhiem Balls (1 of 1).jpg

Or maybe the Guggenheim, broken apart reflected in a non descipt modern glass building across the road, the different angles of this glass giving us elements of it's more famous neighbour, as well as the nature behind, in fact I might like this photo better than the standard 'point camera at object of desire and shot' photos of the obvious.

Guggenhiem Reflection.jpg

And back to those balls again - This time more of the building itself, the out of place modern glass tower. I should say these shots also remind me of a shot I took of the Sydney Opera House, or rather a reflection of the Sydney Opera House in a light about 20 years ago, it's weird how when taking this that image came into my mind, how some photos are seared into my memory.

Guggeinhiem Balls 2 (1 of 1).jpg


Beautiful reflections, @harveyword ! Welcome to the contest ❤️!

What an incredible place, you found beautiful reflections

have a great morning Beautiful photographs dear friend @harveyword thank you very much for showing us

I am fascinated by the reflection of the balls, it is simply wonderful, thank you for sharing these images with us.