A Mindful Reflection about Reflections of the Mind )|( Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest #40

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago (edited)

Stop for a tiny moment and step back from the screen of Life. What is the most intense theme on your mind's "playlist" today? Have you noticed how this dominant theme is being reflected back to you by your current life situations and interactions with others? Life is constantly talking to you.


Exploration of our inner workings and the mind games of our own mind is the most rewarding "rabbit-hole" that we will ever roam.
Our subconscious mind is like the "Black Box" of an airplane. But when you become aware that all the mental patterns that are active in this "black box" are reflected back to you in full color through all your encounters with the physical reality - you become naturally curious about it's contents.

The unpleasant happenings that trigger intense dissatisfaction in you are the exact #reflection of ideas and beliefs about life and yourself that you hold. Life is a Mirror Mosaic, forever reflecting back to you all the pieces of your mind - lights and shadows, all the things you're proud of and also all the self-rejection that you still practice, consciously or unconsciously.

When you drive through your life unaware of that - you are a danger on the road, so to say, because you are not paying attention to your retro-vision mirrors and the whole road situation is a huge "Blind-Spot" for you. You drift blindly through life. "You're an accident waiting to happen.." as Bono sings in his "Who's gonna ride your wild horses?"

But then, you gradually start waking up to the fundamental truth that your mind is creating every moment to moment situation in your life and every single "frame" of your individual "life's movie". That's when you become extremely interested to explore your innermost depository of hidden hurts, memories, distorted beliefs about your self-worth and unresolved controversies.

Of course you do!! Because 90% of your physical reality is created from the contents of your subconscious mind. We better have it happy and cute if we want our life to be a blissful journey.

Thank you @brittandjosie for encouraging me to participate in this Reflection contest of the Shadow Hunters Community.

You're Very Welcome to visit my Laura's PeakD Blog on Hive to see what I have been doing these first 8 days of my new Soul-Adventure.


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Hola, amiga @lauralauze

Interesante publicación.

Ese es uno de los temas que debemos tocar en nuestras vidas, si deseamos continuar viviendo existencias satisfactorias.

Abrirnos a descubrir nuestra sombra es algo apasionante y con un inmenso potencial de despertar y realización personal.

Conocernos a nosotros mismos, de maner profunda, es imprescindible.

Poco a poco, vamos haciendo Consciencia Colectiva y entendiendo esta gran necesidad.

Excelente publicación.

Me encantaron las bolsas de regalo. Supongo que son de tu autoría.

Un gran abrazo

Buenos días Librepensadora!
Sí,yo también mantengo la visión de que la humanidad está despertanto y pronto todos estaremos más conscientes de cómo nuestros pensamientos, emociones y expectativas moldean la energía creativa y resultan en todo lo que llamamos "la realidad tangible".

Y también, como todo lo que uno piensa sobre otros, aspira que suceda a otros y lo que hace a otros - todo le está regresando mil veces multiplicado de mil formas diferentes. El Universo es muy creativo :)

Querida Librepensadora, dónde ves bolsas de regalo? :)

La imagen muestra mis Mosaicos de Espejos cortados a mano libre, reflejando luz del atardecer, mi vestido rojo y todo lo que los rodea.
Igual como nuestra vida - cuando uno observa la vida en su alrededor - puede observar su propio subconciente, donde halla la mayor parte del "guión" detrás de todos los sucesos y apariencias de tu realidad.

Que gusto verte por aquí! Que tengas un hermoso fin de semana!

Soul on fire.jpg

Tienes razón, son mosaicos de espejos. No sé por qué vi que eran bolsas de regalo y me parecieron súper bellas y creativas.

En todo caso, tu arte es hermosísimo.

Otra cosa que podrías hacer, y seguro que te iría muy bien en Hive, es presentar publicaciones con una serie de fotografías de los diferentes lugares turísticos de Cancún, ya que tienes la dicha de vivir en tan espléndido lugar. Contar la historia, con aporte fotográfico, de tan maravillosos espacios sería súper interesante.

Te recomiendo que visites la comunidades Haveyoubeenhere Pinmapple Travel Photography, entre otras, para que observes cómo publican los mejores y hagas algo parecido.

Unas de las mejores referencias que te puedo mencionar, porque conozco su trabajo, son: @orlandumike @gabrielatravels @tussar11

Un abrazote

Wow, sí! Me encantaría!
Mil gracias por tus sugerencias.
En cuanto tenga arreglada la pantalla de mi celular, iré de paseo por Cancún y alrededores. Estoy segura que mi perrita votará con las cuatro patas por esta decisión :)

Voy a explorar los ejemplos que me aconsejas, muy amable de tu parte!!
Pero posiblemente lo mío será diferente jeje no me sale bien parecer a otros :) Lo que mejor me sale es hacer lo mío :))) Pero para ver qué es lo que les interesa a la mayoría del público en general será muy interesante ver el trabajo de los que más votos tienen por publicar fotos de viajes. La próxima semana exploraré estos nuevos caminos.

Un abrazo con alma - "un apapacho" como dicen aquí en México (es una palabra de origen náhuatl).

Por supuesto, que no es para que hagas lo mismo.

Más bien, es para que veas la estructura de los blog, tomes en cuenta los Tags más acertados, veas la calidad fotográfica, el contenido, etc.

Sé que puedes hacer cosas muy interesantes, si conjugas tu arte con el turismo, la historia y la fotografía.


Thanks for the good words, I'm flattered, nice to see the Hive community growing.

In this beautiful reflect on life can you make Bono sing his "Who's gonna ride your wild horse , to me in private 😉

Great entry dear good luck wining the first one you entered in many to come

Oh, sister, I can sing all Bono songs from the 90ies :):) I grew up with U2 and the photo of their drummer on the wall :)

The "Wild Horses" inspired one of my Mirror Mosaics, I'll surely post it some time in the future.
I'm having fun with the contests :) Thank you!!

  1. There were times when I analyzed my thoughts. Later I found out that this mental activity simply inhibits me within the prison. Nowadays I prefer to avoid the mind chatter all together.
  2. Do you think that a "danger in the road" is also towards other people, or just to one self?

Your post is well resonating and GOOD LUCK 🏆

I totally agree with you that analyzing thoughts is just a waste of time and ruining your manifested life experience while you are ruminating on thoughts.
What IS necessary in order to "clean up" the manifested life from unwanted recurring patterns is finding out the belief upon which by default the fear and lack based thoughts are being built up by your brain's neuro-connections. When the "basement" is clean you don't have to worry where your mind wanders :)

A person who is triggered by his/her own manifested reality blames external things, people and events for his/her misfortunes and is "a danger" for him/her-self as well as for all the "mirrors" he attracts in his experience of manifested reality.

I remember I read about Ho'oponopono a million years ago and there is an exercise that stayed pinned in my memory - every time when you think that a certain person is at fault for your hurt or anger - imagine that they are loving beings who are carrying the costume and role that you yourself have assigned to them in your private Theater of Illusions.

Thank you for your Good-Luck wishes :) And the Holy Grail emoticon :):):)

I second all the above.
With one exception (actually alteration) :

What if we wouldn't have any beliefs at all?!

Outrageous? ;-)

Imagine you sail on your yacht, trying to leave the narrow harbor. Each belief is a giant pillar of stone standing in your way. Naturally, you would need to make your way out the harbor, limited to a certain path.
Now, what if, instead, you would not have beliefs/pillars at all? Won't your navigation be better and with far more potentials for routes to sail through?

Just a thought... 😊

I say - No.
That would be boring for the being that is animating your bubble of swirling scintillating atoms aka your physical body :) That would be a state of a tree, just being and letting the divine animating intelligence execute the creation. But we were given very powerful toys to play :))) To have any cool adventure at all you at least have to believe that "you are" 😊

Not all beliefs are pillars standing in your way. I don't see it like this at all. I see beliefs as platforms for the take off - there are platforms (beliefs) that take you to Luxurious Blissful Experiences and there are others that take you to very uncomfortable and unpleasant places. But we have a choice when we are finally aware, all are free unlimited use ad infinitum.

And - it is a belief :)

Adorable conversation!!!

Since we have a choice, i am taking from the above comment the beautiful way you described my physcial body: "bubble of swirling scintillating atoms". It is surely me! 😉

Naturally, I disagree about the boring thing (belief, ha! 😉). BUT, since i feel you KNOW what you are talking about (and i believe that i know what i am talking about), I will marvel at the balance we present in this post (while all along rememberning that we play on the same team).

At this side of the planet the sun is rising now. I think the sun is also a belief, isn't it? 😁


Ooooh, this sunrise! We are so beautiful!!!
.. and on this side of the planet my happy atoms are taking me to bed :)

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Thanks for sharing this posit with us, on PYPT today.

What a fun post. Truly enjoyed it.

Dear Bluefinstudios,thank you!
I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed it.
PYPT is a wonderful place to meet and exchange vibes, it was great today!
Good night and we'll meet again soon!

We shall!
I wish I was in Europe some time soon. Love to see some of the Mirror creations in person. They seem fascinating!

I was made in Europe, yes :))
But my life's journey has been winding mysterious paths through many countries, and a little over a decade ago landed me in Mexico, where quite an array of important "initiations" have happened.
So, yes, now I live in the Land of Vacations :) Which, by the way is one of my finest manifestations in this life :)
That would be amazing to welcome you in my World of Mirrors!!!

Some day, I shall get my boat down your way, and stop in to visit.

Wow didn’t see you rly got going on here!!!

Hello my dear Ultraviolet Magic!
I've been flooding creative energy here, yes :) Thank you so much for introducing me to this absolutely amazing new journey on Hive! Energy in me is shooting fireworks of excitement! If only I could fix my phone soon and get my art pictures out of it. I have access now only to my older pics that are on my computer. This, luckily was on my Google Drive. It's one month old :)
Big hugs and see you soon!


Thank you! For choosing to use my TAG, and post with my community! I'm always behind on curation, but love seeing all the posts. I would invite you to check out @pixiepost as I think you two have much in common!


Thank you, - off to explore !!
Happy Sunday, Wes!!