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RE: LINES ~ SHADOWS: entry in the Shadow Hunters contest/SMASh round 245

in Shadow Hunters2 years ago

It's a funny thing! Here there are a few "dome Homes" that people have built. They should "ALL" be like that! Besides what was already mentioned with the natural environment shape.. The roundness helps with the hurricane winds..😉🤓😎

Yes, sadly.. Self responsibility is not a human strong point..😑😐😶Thank You @littlebee4 ! I think that I should be responsible for what I do. And if someone is expecting me to do something I cannot or will not do I should let them know at the earliest possibility.

Nope! I don't think she gets it's game over - he's not working again... And the rest that goes with that as well....

Yeah funny stuff! I talked to her on the phone yet again today.. She is still very mad about the bill she got, and is arranging for an apartment with my brothers landlord. She is also trying to not pay the bill.. She is trying to skate out before he asks her again... 🙄😒🧐
No I am not going to get involved.. She almost had me tell her today.. "You know.. Cancer and Pisces see the world differently"... Funny, me and her had a very similar conversation last year at this time . She was going to move them as well...

You also have a Wonderful Positive Energy Week!
Happy Tuesday to You! 👍🏼🥳👍🏼
Stay Blessed and Safe!
🙋🏻‍♀️🙏🏼✨🌄✨🙏🏼🙋🏻‍♀️Thank You as Well - "Always Thank You" @littlebee4 !

It was a Good Day! I got my VA coverage hand book, and listed some stuff in eBay! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
I can now "opt -out" of the Government mandated insurance! 👋🏼🥳👋🏼
And I will get the watch tomorrow and the glasses on the weekend (?)
Have a Very Magnificent Positive Energy Tuesday,
Enjoy the Cappuccino's! 👍🏼☕👍🏼


Yep, those houses are better resistant to hurricanes and all types of weather. There should be many more.

I know, sadly it isn’t a strong point.Exactly like that @lesmann good. And keep to that idea.

Wow, she is willing to move out quickly to run away from that single bill… 🫣
Hahaha, good you didn’t. Lol 😂 don’t at more friction.

That’s good news on the handbook and the insurance… also on the delivery date of those items. All good yay! I’m happy for you 👋🏻😊 Let’s keep the positivity flow… ✨✨✨✨

You are welcome my friend! Thank you as well.
Have a wonderful magical positive energy Tuesday 👋🏻😊
Enjoy every moment of it and make it count.
Take care! ✨🍀🧩☀️🌺
