My Entry To Shadow Hunters Week 250 "Pintura navideña" (Christmas painting)

in Shadow Hunters2 years ago (edited)

Debo confesar que yo no atrapé esta sombra, sino que ella me atrapó a mi. Salí a la calle no en busca de sombras como otras veces, de hecho andaba apurado ya que era mi día de cumpleaños, mis madrinas me habían invitado a almorzar y ya iba con retraso.

Voy caminando con rapidez cuando veo esta sombra en la acera opuesta..."La sombra perfecta" - Pensé - Me detuve, saqué el celular con cautela (siempre se corre el riesgo de que so lo robena uno) y tomé las dos imágenes que comparto con ustedes. La más grande, la primera, es la que traigo para participar en la semana 250 de Shadoy Hunters, concurso convocado por @melinda010100.

I must confess that I did not catch this shadow, but it caught me. I went out into the street not looking for shadows like other times, in fact I was in a hurry since it was my birthday, my godmothers had invited me to lunch and I was already late.

I am walking quickly when I see this shadow on the opposite sidewalk..."The perfect shadow" - I thought - I stopped, cautiously took out my cell phone (there is always the risk of someone stealing it) and took the two images that I share with you. The biggest, the first, is the one I bring to participate in the 250th week of Shadowy Hunters, a contest organized by @melinda010100.



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