Shadow Hunters Contest- Round 188

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago (edited)

Shadow Hunters Contest

Last week's Show Me A Shadow-Round 187 is now closed. Winners will be announced and rewards given within the next 24 hours.

Show Me A Shadow Round 188

(or SMASh 188 as named by @gems.and.cookies😀)

The Shadow Hunters Community is struggling to maintain a prize fund that can support the contests. I have been paying out prizes for the Shadow Contest from my personal account and have donated 50 Hive to the @hive-179017 account so that there will be prize funds again for @annephilbrick to start the Reflection Contest back up. @eolianpariah's Guess the Shadow contest is still on holiday, but hopefully will be returning soon! We miss you!

The Community is grateful to all who set the community as beneficiary on their posts. If you would like to help the community, you may also donate Hive or HBD or delegate HP to @hive-179017. Your delegation support will help build higher VP and higher votes on your posts. Any help you can give will be appreciated and will help make our Shadow Hunters Community strong!

Thanks for Delegations!

@apnigrich @annephilbrick @nelinoeva @seckorama @tatdt @oks2crypto @jishan5

photo credit @annephilbrick

The Reflection Contest is on holiday but will return next week, so get your reflection photos ready!@annephilbrick does an amazing amount of work for this community and is the judge for the Shadow Hunters Contest as well as running her own contest filled with beautiful and creative entries.

🙂Please take a moment to review the Rules below


🔆Place your entry link in the comment section of this post. To help us keep the entries sorted it is helpful if you included the post link and the link to the photo that you are choosing to enter!

🔅One entry per Person. Be fair to everyone and do not enter from more than one account

🔅The title of your post should make clear that it is an ~ Entry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh.

🔆Post into the

the Shadow Hunters Community

🔆If you create a post with multiple shadow photos, you should state which one is your entry, otherwise I will assume it is the first photo.

🔆All entries are required to have a minimum of 50 words

Important HINT Remember to keep the main focus of your picture on the shadow! After all, this is a shadow contest.

Feel free to use editing and effects to create a special look if you want. Phone photos are great-Be creative. This is not a photography contest!

It should go without saying that the photo must be your original work and creativity counts. . NEVER use photos you find on the


🔆Thanks for a generous donations to the prize fund by @galenkp🔆

Join me in the Ecency Discord@good-karma at @ecency has been incredibly generous and donated 1000 Points, which is a weekly prize of 100 Ecency Points to each of the winners! These Points can be seen in your Ecency wallets and can be used in various ways.

☀️Thanks to @traciyork for a super donation of POINTS! And thanks to @farm-mom for donating POINTS!! Donations help us give out tips to everyone who enters☀️

@pixresteemer is including the Shadow Hunter contest winners in his weekly Re-hive contest.

Thanks to @taskmanager and #archon for donating DiscoHedge tokens to the Re-hive contest winners and for paying out ARCHON for comments made on Shadow Hunter posts!

  • Use the #archon tag on all of your posts and collect ARCHON tokens. You can also set 5%beneficiary rewards on any post for Archon-gov and receive votes from their voting trail!

Let's go Shadow Hunting!


All comments written on my posts, and any posts in Feathered Friends, Shadow Hunters, and Ladies of Hive Community posts receive staked ARCHON tokens.




Join the Shadow Hunters Community

Image by @shasta

Partnered with ARCHON
Comment and earn tokens!
Supported by @pixresteemer

refl.gifBanner by @oceanbee

Sponsored by Ecency


Banner and feathers
by @barbara-orenya



Join the FEATHER FRIENDS Community

Enter the Show Me A Photo contest by @nelinoeva

Enter the Let our Picture Tell Your Story contest by

Partnered with ARCHON
Comment and earn tokens!

Supported by Ecency


Partnered with ARCHON

Comment and earn tokens!

Posted using Ecency Love

There are 2 pages

1 sombra.jpg

I went out to the street to do some shopping, suddenly I find this elongated and wavy shadow and right in a shaded part like a semicircle, a sitting dog. I went back to find my cell phone to take a picture of it and thus hunt this shadow, but the friend had already moved. Up there was the semicircle alone and it was lying down here. Anyway, I photographed it in three moments and it is my participation for this week.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 74 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

$PIZZA@melinda010100! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @pixresteemer.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (6/10)

Thanks, Pix!

$PIZZA@pixresteemer! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @melinda010100.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)

I will also submit my photography in next contest

Oh good! I can't wait to see it! 🌞

May the force be with us

You are a STRONG FORCE, my friend! 🌞💪🌞


SMASh 188 instead of SMASh 187 😊. Count me in this week. See you later.Hi @melinda010100. I think that should read

I'm not used to needing to change that line! Thanks for pointing it out. It's probably not the only mistake I will make so please point out anything you see!

Dear Melinda, I have noticed that the number of winners is 11 this time, not 10. Good for us but can be a problem for your prize fund. If so, you may not award me with anything - till nex time 😁❤️

Yeah, you would think by now I would be able to count to 10! It was my mistake, but it's a good one that I wish I was able to make more often. We will survive it this week and we will see what the future holds for the prize fund. Enjoy your Prize, thanks for the benes and we will move forward! 😘







@melinda010100, you've been given LUV from @olgavita.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)

Count me in!

That must mean your sunny days are continuing!

Hehehe... sunny days are here again!!!

Let's see what we can get to accompany you
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid nightWhat a beautiful shadow image on the cover dear friend @melinda010100 very inspiring

Okay, I will make my entry sometime on Sunday. By the way, when you say "delegate HP" do you mean allowing someone to upvote certain posts using the posting key? If so, I would be willing to delegate some of my vote, but can you please elaborate on the process of how I would go about doing this?

When you delegate HP you are literally giving away some of your voting power to the person that you are delegating to. I would not recommend that anyone delegate until after they have 1000 or so HP. Just my opinion) Build up your own voting power before you give any away.

BUT delegating is easy. There is a drop down arrow next to your HP total in your wallet. You just enter the account name to you are giving HP to, and how much.

To set a beneficiary reward just go down to advanced settings when you are in the editor creating a post, or in the Ecency mobile app it is behind a gear at the top left when you are in the editor.
But in both cases I would highly recommend that you build your own account first.

Here is my entry for the 188th edition of the ShadowsHunters contest

Can't believe it been about a year since I last posted in here and I'm back in exactly the same position I was this time last year- in winter and in lockdown, though this time I'm in another apt by there is atleast 2 things that have changed...

Esta es mi entrada al concurso de sombras de esta semana le deseó mucha suerte a todos los participantes.
Felicitó a los ganadores de la semana pasada hicieron un excelente trabajo.Hola @melinda010100 y @annephilbrick.

This is my entry to this week's shadow contest wishing all the contestants the best of luck.
He congratulated the winners from last week they did an excellent job.Hi @melinda010100 and @annephilbrick.

[ESP-ENG] Concurso Cazadores de Sombras - Ronda 188 👥 Shadow Hunters Contest - Round 188



Muchas gracias por el apoyo recibido y por los puntos que me acabas de dar. Un abrazo fuerte desde Colombia.Hola @melinda010100.

Thank you very much for the support received and for the points you just gave me. A big hug from Colombia.Hi @melinda010100.

Hi, here is my first entry,

Welcome to the Shadow Hunters Community! That is a beautiful photo! Thanks so much for entering the Shadow Contest! ☀️

Thank you so much for the Welcome, the comment and the vote 😎


Thanks again, for the Ecency points !

Hello everybody, here my entry

Hello hivers of the world, again sharing with you in this magnificent communi...


Hey, hola a todos por acá!!! 😀☀️😎✌️ Aquí les dejo mi entrada en el concurso semanal de cazadores de sombras. Estoy feliz de participar nuevamente. Espero les guste la foto de mi gato Karim. Mucha suerte a todos y gracias a los organizadores que se esfuerzan en trabajar duro por ésta comunidad 💓🥰☀️.

La publicación está en inglés y español, espero que disfruten leerme 🤗✌️😁. Saludos!!!☀️

That is a great shadow photo! Karim is beautiful and I love the shadows and the orange and blue! Thanks for entering the Shadow Contest again!

I am happy that you like it. yes, karim is beautiful if a little grumpy. I would like to show you more pictures of him especially of his strange and funny sleeping positions. Thank you very much for your comment 🐱☀️😎✌️🤗💓.


Hi, everybody! Here's my entry for this week :)

My entry for the shadow contest this week. I hope I got everything right this time. 😊


Hello.Here are my shadows. Good luck to the participants:


En el trayecto el calor era inclemente, la temperatura había amanecido en 28º centígrados, me guarecí bajo la fronda del árbol. Una copa generosa, fresca. Me quedé un rato observando a la gente, sus pasos, sus gestos.
Guarecida como estaba, mirando hacia el arriba de azules extendidos, pero al bajar la vista quedé atrapada por las motas de sombra, motas, pequeños montoncitos de algodón oscuro.

On the way the heat was inclement, the temperature had risen to 28º Celsius, I took shelter under the canopy of the tree. A generous, fresh glass. I stayed for a while watching people, their steps, their gestures.
Pretty as I was, looking up at sprawling blues, but looking down I was caught by specks of shadow, specks, little mounds of dark cotton.

Me gustaron las sombras en este auto que traen reminiscencias de una cebra. Por supuesto, luego de tomarla de cerca quise tomar una de más lejos donde se ve que es apenas un fragmento de las sombras de las rejas de una casa. En otras oportunidades he tomado imágenes de sombras enmarcadas en colores pardos, en este caso es el contraste del blanco y el negro.

A zebra car! How fun! Great shadow photo. Thanks for entering the Shadow Contest again!


yay thanks for the tip!! Really appreciate it! Please have some !PIZZA :DD

$PIZZA@melinda010100! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @tawadak24.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (9/10)

This is my link to accompany your kind invitation
I wish you all a splendid weekHow are you dear friend @melinda010100 good day

Dear @jufler, you presented a nice shadow picture! I wanted to see the post but you probably have some problem with the link because it shows that your post doesn't exist. I think it's better if you check it.

This is my entry, thank you very much and good luck to all.


Some diffuse shadows that make a beautiful game both with the shapes and with the colors of the small pieces of furniture in the central yard of my house. A beautiful scene that would have gone unnoticed by my eyes if I had not been aware of hunting shadows for this contest.

I made a tomato salad and used eggs for cooking as well. And I caught a shadow!


There are 2 pages