Reflection Hunters Contest Entry Round 39th - Clothing Store Display

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago

Good evening Reflection Hunters! How's your day? This is my latest photo entry to take part in the Reflection Hunter contest Round 39th hosted by @annephilbrick. After coming home from work I am going to shop for clothes and hangout for a while with office colleagues. I took the afternoon while hunting for photos on the streets, which has been my hobby for a long time. When I almost arrived at my destination for shopping, I saw a glass wall as well as a display case for displaying clothes with various models in a clothing store that sells branded goods.


Luckily today I got a reflection photo which I think is quite satisfying. The photo of two people walking while talking and three electrical installation workers who have just finished their work.

Selamat malam Reflection Hunters! Bagaimana hari anda? Ini adalah entri foto terbaru saya untuk mengambil bahagian dalam pertandingan Reflection Hunter Pusingan 39th yang dihoskan oleh @annephilbrick. Selepas pulang dari kerja saya akan membeli-belah pakaian dan melepak seketika dengan rakan-rakan sepejabat. Saya mengambil waktu petang sambil memburu gambar di jalanan yang menjadi hobi saya sejak sekian lama. Ketika hampir tiba di destinasi membeli-belah, saya ternampak dinding kaca serta bekas pameran pakaian dengan pelbagai model di kedai pakaian yang menjual barangan berjenama. Nasib baik hari ini saya mendapat gambar refleksi yang saya rasa cukup memuaskan. Gambar dua orang berjalan sambil berbual dan tiga pekerja pemasangan elektrik yang baru selesai kerja.

Thank you for visiting my blog and have a nice days everyone!
Hope you like it and thank you for the support.



There will always be likes or dislikes in photography, but there will never be right or wrong in photography.”Galih Sedayu.

“Photography, as a great medium of expression and message, provides various forms of thought, expression and execution.”Ansel Adam

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