
Not for tips but you can send giphy in the comments, just wright !giphy and then some words describe bing the gif, it will reply with a gif, it is just for fun interactions dough

!giphy funny

Ahh okay okay
!giphy thank you

You got it haha
!giphy learned something today

Yeah I have learnt many things and still learning many more !LOLZ

Knock knock...
ERROR: Joke failed.

You can get more $LOLZ on HE.@nabbas0786, You need more $LOLZ to use this command. The minimum requirement is 0.0 LOLZ.

!giphy lets rock!

Its not ethen a ton ken I think haha just a command 🌞

!giphy got you

!giphy happy Ramadan

!giphy say thank to him

Checking with
Didn't found info about it on HE

I meant didn't get info about tip 😕 haha
!giphy smile


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