¿Ya creaste una cuenta? Sólo se permite una cuenta por persona/IP. Pero él nunca ha creado cuenta ni otra persona lo ha hecho desde su dirección IP ¿Sabes a quien debería él contactar para solventar esto?Buenos días @melinda010100. Un amigo que desea registrarse en ecency.com por el modo gratuito no lo logra. Cuando llega al paso donde le van a enviar las claves le sale este aviso:
Have you already created an account? Only one account per person/IP is allowed. But he has never created an account nor has anyone else done so from his IP address. Do you know who he should contact to solve this?
Good morning @melinda010100. A friend who wants to register on ecency.com through the free mode cannot do so. When he get to the step where they are going to send him the keys, he get this notice:
There are some suggestions towards the end of this post that he can try.