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RE: Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round #46

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago

Acá dejando mi foto de entrada y enlace al concurso.¡Feliz inicio del año 2022! para la comunidad @hive-179017 y @olgavita . Agradezco a @annephilbrick Y @melinda010100 , por haber sostenido este significativo concurso. Les auguro éxitos y pronto retorno.

Here leaving my entry photo and link to the contest.Happy start of the year 2022! to the @hive-179017 and @olgavita community. I thank @annephilbrick and @melinda010100 , for holding this meaningful contest. I wish them success and soon return.



tips.png🎄 Thank you for entering this round! ❤️ Thank you for your greetings and please do not worry, our dear @annephilbrick and @melinda010100 have been working hard for the whole community and we all are extremally grateful to them!

I love this pic, @numa26, success in the contest!!!