This is my reflection for this week's contest.
Walking through the picturesque province of La Rioja, Argentina, I was pleasantly surprised to find this reflection. I was in a lovely place called Chilecito, and it had been a rainy day. Although the rain had stopped, puddles of water remained here and there. In one of those puddles, a little dog had found fresh water to drink. I found the scene so captivating and serene that I couldn't resist capturing it with my cell phone camera. The simplicity of the moment and the tranquility of the surroundings left a lasting impression on me, a perfect blend of nature and everyday life.
Este es mi reflejo para la convocatoria de esta semana.
Paseando por la pintoresca provincia de La Rioja, Argentina, tuve una grata sorpresa al encontrar este reflejo. Estaba en un encantador lugar llamado Chilecito, y el día había estado lluvioso. Aunque la lluvia ya había cesado, persistían charcos de agua aquí y allá. En uno de esos charcos, un perrito había hallado agua fresca para beber. La escena me pareció tan cautivadora y serena que no pude resistirme a capturarla con la cámara de mi celular. La simplicidad del momento y la tranquilidad del entorno me dejaron una impresión duradera, una perfecta mezcla de naturaleza y vida cotidiana.
I wonder what the dog thinks when it sees its reflection in the water? Because when it’s in a mirror, I’ve seen on YouTube that they try to fight with their reflection. Haha!
Interesting question, I think this dog was just thirsty.
Great reflection 😁