It was Sunday morning. I had gotten up early because I had to have breakfast and leave early. I had lunch with friends waiting for me. My cat Amelie also woke up early when she saw that I was already around the house at that hour. Suddenly, I noticed how the morning sun was shining through the window, casting a nice shadow on her. I quickly grabbed my cell phone and hurried to take the photo. Fortunately, I was just in time because she quickly changed her spot and ran off to sunbathe somewhere else in the house. This is my post for this week.
Era un domingo por la mañana. Me había levantado temprano porque debía tomar el desayuno y salir pronto. Me esperaba un almuerzo con amigos. Mi gatita Amelie también se despertó temprano al ver que yo ya andaba por la casa a esas horas. De pronto, noté cómo le daba el sol de la mañana que entraba por la ventana y le hacía formar una bonita sombra. Rápidamente, tomé mi teléfono celular y me apuré para tomar la foto. Afortunadamente, llegué a tiempo porque enseguida cambió de lugar y se fue corriendo a tomar el sol en otro lugar de la casa. Esta es mi entrada para esta semana.
I liked the photo so much that I wanted to convert it to black and white. Since I wasn't sure which one to keep, I decided to include both versions, but the first color version is the one that's entered into the contest.
Tanto me gustó la foto que quise pasarla a blanco y negro. Como no sabía con cual quedarme, decidí incluir las dos versiones, pero la primera en color es la que participa en el concurso.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(2/10) @melinda010100 tipped @parissousa
Excellent shadow photos! Amelie is lovely