My Entry to Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest-Round 204

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago (edited)

I'm learning that to hunt shadows you have to be attentive and looking everywhere. We never know for sure where we will find our prey. In this case it was on the ceiling of a friend's house. The shadows were up there, even though small ones were beginning to slide down the wall. I photographed them and then I had to explain to my friend (who was looking at me as if I had a screw missing) about the shadow contest. This is my entry for this week.

Estoy aprendiendo que para cazar sombras hay que estar atentos y mirando para todas partes. Nunca se sabe con certeza dónde encontraremos nuestra presa. En este caso fue en el techo de cielo raso de la casa de una amiga. Las sombras estaban allá arriba, aun cuando unas pequeñas se estaban comenzando a deslizar pared abajo. Las fotografié y luego tuve qué explicarle a mi amiga (quien me miraba como si me faltara un tornillo) acerca del concurso de sombras. Esta es mi participación para esta semana.


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Very nice shadows on the wall. Thank you for your participation in the Shadow hunters contest! 😎 👏

Yes, @hive-179017, shadows on the wall and on the ceiling too!!!!!

You can't have shadows without beams of light! Good job paying attention and taking this photo! Thanks for entering the shadow contest.

So, @melinda010100, how important is the complementarity of opposites. I really like this contest.

😉Each half is necessary to the other! Pretty important in the world of Shadow hunting! Hope to see an entry from you!

Gran sombra. Gracias por compartir tu entrada al concurso. Mucha suerte ❤️

Gracias, @ivycrafts, qué bueno que te gustó esta sombra.