This is my latest entry to the 39th Reflection Hunters Contest hosted by @annephilbrick from The Shadow Hunters Community. May our hosts always get blessings from God and be healthy in their lives. When the call to prayer has sounded and is ready to immediately stop the motorbike at a mosque to carry out the Ashar prayer and rest for a while before continuing the journey. I arrived late because my journey was still almost an hour away so I didn't have time to pray in the congregation.
Ini adalah entri terbaru saya untuk Kontes Pemburu Refleksi yang diselenggarakan oleh @annephilbrick dari Komunitas The Shadow Hunters. Semoga host kita selalu mendapatkan berkah dari Tuhan dan sehat dalam hidupnya. Ketika adzan telah berkumandang dan siap langsung memberhentikan motor di sebuah masjid untuk melaksanakan ibadah Shalat Ashar dan beristirahat sebentar sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan. Saya terlambat datang karena perjalanan saya masih jauh hampir 1 jam lagi hingga saat tidak sempat untuk mengikuti shalat dengan berjamaah.
After the Asr prayer at the At Taqwa Mosque, I took my cellphone to see the notification on my cellphone. When I finished looking at my cellphone I saw a worshiper who had just finished praying and reflected on his reflection sitting on the floor of the mosque praying. Coming out of the mosque I saw the reflection of the main dome of the mosque on the terrace floor and I immediately snapped it.
Selesai shalat Ashar di Masjid At Taqwa, saya mengambil hp untuk melihat notifikasi di handphone saya. Ketika selesai melihat hp saya melihat seorang jamaah yang baru selesai shalat dan memantulkan bayangan dia yang sedang duduk berdoa di atas lantai Masjid. Keluar dari masjid saya melihat lagi pantulan kubah utama masjid di atas lantai teras dan saya langsung menjepretnya.
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"Photography made me realize that every second counts and every good result is hard work."
"I don't believe words. I believe pictures". – Gilless Peress
A young journalist who is interested in the world of IT and blockchain developments. Have a hobby of cooking, writing, and photography on the sidelines of busy work. Has savings of several types of crypto currency and has a dream to collect bitcoins for the future. And also observe crypto news and government policies regarding crypto circulation and taxes.
Thank you Hivers and Ecencians for upvoting, supporting and motivating me on blogging.