All Stars Of The Sky - My Entry For Reflection Hunters #200

in Shadow Hunters2 months ago

Whenever I am down in Shibuya I stop by Shibuya Sky. I have an annual passport so I can visit the rooftop observation deck anytime I want. It's like visiting a living museum. There is always something new to see or experience, like this awesome reflection.

(This is my entry)

The sun had set to a good position to reflect shadow-like silhouettes. In addition the silhouettes position just above the city was the perfect height. To top it off these two tourists taking pictures added an interesting element, like they were photographing the phenomenon.

Then I threw it into the filter.

Now I'm not sure which picture I like better!

Looking around at some other pictures from the rooftop.

I caught this jet flying overhead.

They often fly right over Shibuya while landing in Haneda. I've been on that route several times and it's a great treat to fly over the city.

Another shot of Mt. Fuji and Shibuya city below.

The bus station is just below and is the first place I set foot in when I first came to Tokyo in 2001. This whole area around the station holds so many great memories and I love it.

For this next one I actually missed the mark. I was trying to align the arrow with Mt. Fuji.

Guess that's a good enough reason to go back and get the right alignment. And with that, I'm off! Thanks for reading!

All pictures taken on my iPhone 12. Time for a new phone!

Want to see some awesome pictures, join @hive-179017 !


excellent entry shot

Thank you!