Sunset over the Kenai river in Alaska on a cold winters day, not today but soon it will be winter again. Its coming on fast as the leaves change color and the rains being out many mushrooms. The geese are flying south, the squirrels are gathering their nuts and the moose are getting ready to rut right now as autumn comes into swing. I wish it was spring! We don't normally get that many colorful sunsets here. But when we do!

Reflection Hunters
Community hive-179017
Reflection Hunters Contest 80
by @olgavita

© Photos and words by @shasta
Sept 2nd 2022 9:00 PM O'rock Alaska

We get lots of amazing sunsets here in Portland. I'll send you some if you ever run low.
That would be wonderful ❤ @corvidae! I bet they are gorgeous! ☀ :-)
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