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RE: Shadow Hunters Contest WINNERS Round 132

in Shadow Hunters5 years ago

Oppps, I think I posted my reply to you on another person's comment. I am sorry. Hydrocodone just turns me into a veggie Urrgghh.. Gotta find that one now, LOL!

Take care 🥰🌺🤙

It is my pleasure, my dear friend @melinda010100. I put my stakes where it is appreciated!


Hey I do that all the time without Hydrocodone! I hope it is helping control the pain.
You are tremendously appreciated! ❤️❤️❤️

..... hmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔... in that case extend the sponsorship up to last week of September!!!

The drugs are making you silly! Let's get to the end of August first and then consider your options! 😁❤️