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RE: Entrada al concurso cazadores de sombras

It is really very good to know that there is a solution, unfortunately in my country I do not think there is this, I would have to order it from abroad and even then I think it would be very expensive, but it is good to know that there is a solution.

I also have some ideas like looking for the sound they make when a predator catches them and playing it at night when they arrive or something, I was also planning to put a nylon bag on a stick to see if the sound would scare them away, but it hasn't done enough. wind enough to shake it😅.

I'll see what I do, for now there are no more guavas, we would have to wait for the next flowering. Best regards and thank you very much for your kind response.


It has been a great pleasure dear friend, I hope you find a solution
Have a nice week