Is that a log cabin?
Currently we (my friends and me) are thinking about building something like that (log cabins) both to live it in and to rent it out for others too.
I am thinking about a caravan too, but they say that building a log cabin is much cheaper (only a few hundred Euros) than a caravan (which is at least around €2500 Euros) on Tenerife. Some wood raw material is already available.
We will see, but both are much better than continue living in a tent or in a cave. Currently I still live in a tent, but soon (in the near future, probably in a few months, or even sooner) I will have a proper accommodation again.
My cabin is not a typical log cabin. It is very rustic built from old wood.
I have been living many, many years off-grid
(no electricity) A wood stove for heating.
I do have a well and move the water with a generator. @xplosive
Something similar would be good for me too. The electricity can be easily solved nowadays with solar panels.
The prices there probably are entirely different than here, because we are not only in a different country, but we are in a different content too.
But I would still like to ask simply out of curiosity, how much does it cost approximately (on average) to build something like this (any kind of log cabin) there?
What would be the cheapest, most affordable price?
It is a cabin in Canada.
The material prices are probably much different there, but currently I imagine something similar as my home.
Including a home-made bed, desk and chairs with wood.
I have builder friends, and they have a workshop, so they can create these things with wood.
We will see.