Moje iskrene čestitke pobednicima i najlepši pozdrav svim učesnicima ovog originalnog, zanimljivog i pre svega zabavnog izazova! Najveći pozdrav upućujem kreatoru i organizatoru, kao i saradnicima, čija je posvećenost pretvorila izazov u jedan od najomiljenijih i najdugotrajnijih na mreži. Hvala još jednom, @melinda010100. :)
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My sincere congratulations to the winners and best regards to all participants of this original, interesting and above all fun challenge! Greetings to the creator and organizer, as well as to the collaborators, whose dedication has turned the challenge into one of the most beloved and longest lasting online. Thanks again, @ melinda010100
Congratulations on another winning shadow photos, my creative friend! Thanks so much for all the encouragement and support you give the Shadowhunters Community!
Čestitam na još jednoj dobitnoj fotografiji iz sjene, moj kreativni prijatelju! Hvala vam puno na poticajima i podršci koju pružate Shadowhunters Community!
You have not exaggerated anything in your comment, it is one of the best contest there is, creative and genuine
have a great dayHow are you dear friend @zoricatech good day