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RE: 2032 - PROYECTO ANIME / Cap 1 /My first manga & anime project CHAPTER ONE BLEEDING LOVE

in Literatos4 years ago

Love the intro clip and the glitched out fx. Dark poetry in it too, I can understand completely.

I dig dystopia and doom.
Gonna dig through my artchives and find similar dystopian gloom and doom


My laser hands hurt and I'm about to give it all up.

My Laser Hands Hurt

So evocative, I couldn't describe it better, it being whatever it is. Hands hurting eyes burning from using screens and typing so much out trying to type out what I mean

In this future, there are no more guns, only lasers Gamma do use as weapons, because bullets, doesnt affect demons, who are ethereal beens , but good point. The metaphore is that hands with potential but that for whatever reason cant seem to work, are usless untill you use them to do good, but its better than to have healthy hands that doesnt do anything , the curso is that they hurt until the point to almost give up. He wasnt using his full potential.

That particular quote made me think about :

James 2:14-26 NKJV - "Faith Without Works Is Dead"

You found a cool fact about this. Thanks for pointing this out, you are literally a genius man. Im impressed.

im wasted