in Literatos3 months ago


Vitoria comenzó a sentirse sofocada dentro del taxi, cómo si le faltara el oxígeno, su vista era borrosa, sentía su cuerpo cada vez más pesado, le costaba mantener sus pulmones llenos de oxígenos, empezaba a ver doble, las figuras se distorsionaban, quiso hablar pero no pudo, levantó la mirada pesada hacía el conductor, que se tambaleaba a un lado balbuceando sin sentido, todo comenzó a girar, las manos del taxista se inclinaron con el volante, el suceso parecía irreal, lo sentía como un sueño, el chofer cayó sobre el asiento del copiloto, la hechicera golpeó su cabeza contra el vidrio a su derecha, el vehículo derrapaba sin control, su cuello sentía el peso de todo su cuerpo, se movía con agresividad en la parte trasera del carro pero sus extremidades no respondían, escuchó el repicar de los vidrios, sintió el corte y el filo de los cristales, un chapoteo de agua, se estaban hundiendo, agobiada, su corazón disociado latía con fuerza, sus parpados se cerraban, perdió el conocimiento.

― Ahora ―ordenó Suguru Geto sosteniendo un cronometro ―Sáquenla junto a sus pertenencias, dejen al mono ahogarse en el rio.

El rubio alto se quitó la camisa y se lanzó al agua, las burbujas del vehículo salían a la superficie, en unos instantes apareció en la orilla cargando con la hechicera inconsciente, Miguel se zambulló. Al salir se subió a la furgoneta y se marcharon.

―Tenías razón, actuar sin acercarnos era la mejor opción ―dijo el hombre de corazones en el pecho.

Geto sonrió.


Vitoria began to feel suffocated inside the taxi, as if she were lacking oxygen, her vision was blurry, her body felt increasingly heavier, it was difficult for her to keep her lungs filled with oxygen, she was beginning to see double, the figures were distorted, she wanted to speak but he couldn't, he raised his heavy gaze towards the driver, who was staggering to the side babbling meaninglessly, everything began to spin, the taxi driver's hands leaned on the steering wheel, the event seemed unreal, it felt like a dream, the driver She fell onto the passenger seat, the sorceress hit her head against the glass to her right, the vehicle was skidding uncontrollably, her neck felt the weight of her entire body, she moved aggressively in the back of the car but her limbs did not respond. , she heard the clatter of the glass, she felt the cut and sharpness of the glass, a splash of water, they were sinking, overwhelmed, her dissociated heart was beating strongly, her eyelids were closing, she lost consciousness.

"Now," Suguru Geto ordered, holding a stopwatch, "Take her out along with her belongings, let the monkey drown in the river."

The tall blonde took off his shirt and jumped into the water, the bubbles from the vehicle came to the surface, in a few moments he appeared on the shore carrying the unconscious sorceress, Miguel dove in. When he left, he got into the van and they left.

"You were right, acting without getting closer was the best option," said the man with hearts in his chest.

Geto smiled.

Imagen: Composición Pixabay.com | Incavas.com | Wallpaper.mob.com Fanfiction inspirado en Jujutsu Kaisen Versión exclusiva para HIVE | @agvdrummer
Image: Composition Pixabay.com | Incavas.com | Wallpaper.mob.com Jujutsu Kaisen inspired fanfiction Exclusive version for HIVE | @agvdrummer