
in Literatos5 months ago

Sólo hay que descorrerse
sin escatimar partes
( o absortos, ya dentro que más da)
sobrevivir detrás de las ventanas
en ese oficio frágil
de hilvanar imágenes desde el palco
( el último ).
Intactos, creables, cuerdos.

Esa atribulada nostalgia de Clown
memorándums y zapatitos verdes
detrás de los misterios de la ofrenda
y los trece escalones del cadalso
( los de la felicidad son tantos).


One only needs to draw back
without sparing parts
(or absorbed, already inside, what does it matter),
to survive behind the windows
within that fragile occupation
of stitching together images from the box
(the last).
Intact, creatable, sane.

That troubled nostalgia of the Clown
memorandums and green little shoes
behind the mysteries of the offering
and the thirteen steps of the scaffold
(the ones of happiness are many).

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.


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