Hive.blog is that sweet honeycomb where the entire hive wants to enter, to savor with all the senses those delicious desserts that it has always served with affection, love and creativity.
Our eyes light up, our ears become cloyed, our hearts dance with such a succulent display of delicacies and desserts that enrich our imagination.
We all know, we smell, and we are honey-colored. Thanks to this honeycomb we can exchange a rainbow of flavors with different palates.

Hive es ese dulce panal donde toda la colmena quiere entrar, para saborear con todos los sentidos esos deliciosos postres que con cariño, amor y creatividad siempre ha servido.
Nuestros ojos se iluminan, los oídos se empalagan, nuestros corazones bailan con tan suculenta exhibición de manjares y postres que enriquecen nuestra imaginación.
Todos sabemos, olemos,y somos color miel. Gracias a este panal podemos intercambiar un arcoiris de sabores con diferente paladar.
Foto propia tomada con celular Alcatel1/ Photo of my own taken with Alcatel1 cell phone
The text in Spanish was created without AI The text in English I translated with
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You are seeing Hive in very creative light.
Thank you @chireerocks for your support. Yes, hive Is a creative and curative light for me. Merry christmas and a happy new year 🌲🎁🍷🍾
Welcome and thank you so much.
Merry Christmas and happy new year to you too.