Océano Tormentoso
La vida es un parpadeo
valorala si la tienes
no todo en la vida es placeres.
trabajo lo suficiente y se multiplican los gastos
al cesar lo que es del cesar, cancelo deudas al cien porciento
mas que dinero invierto tiempo, siempre al favor del canto.
no soy comendiante pero tengo la cura para el llanto
yo soy mi maestro a mi mismo estoy superando
hablan mal de mi sin conocerme se que me estan difamando
si es verdadero o falso el concepto, poco me esta importando
al final no como con ellos, que se aparten me estan estorbando.
no tengo tiempo para los envidiosos, me atraso
lo aprendi de Ramon Ayala
el boricua que forjo un movimiento a gran escala.
nadie quiere ver cara bonita en cara ajena
me lo dijo mi abuela, que me cuidara con quien caminara por si se revela.
de viento en popa, navegando en el mar abierto
llegue a una costa que ni los piratas han descubierto.
Stormy Ocean
Life is a blink of an eye
value it if you have it
not everything in life is pleasures.
I work hard enough and expenses multiply
to the cesar what is of the cesar, I cancel debts to the one hundred percent
more than money I invest time, always in favor of the song.
I'm not a teacher but I have the cure for crying.
I am my own master, I am overcoming myself.
they speak ill of me without knowing me i know that they are defaming me.
whether the concept is true or false, it matters little to me.
in the end I don't eat with them, let them go away, they are in my way.
I don't have time for the envious, I'm late.
I learned it from Ramon Ayala
the boricua who forged a large scale movement.
nobody wants to see a pretty face in someone else's face
my grandmother told me to be careful who I walk with in case he reveals himself.
I was sailing downwind, sailing in the open sea, I arrived at a coast
I arrived at a coast that not even pirates have discovered.
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