—¿Qué haré? —Pensó Víctor. Que no logró abarcar el tiempo estipulado por las normas y estándares de bioseguridad establecidos para concluir gestiones y asegurar el cuidado propio, debido a una súbita pandemia que incidía cruelmente en la benévola cotidianidad que abrigaba a los ciudadanos del mundo, dejando a su paso tragedias, incertidumbre e inquietud.
4:30 pm marcaba el reloj, el niño murmuraba quejas de hambre.
Víctor intentó cargarlo para entretenerlo y notó que su temperatura corporal estaba tan caliente como cuando uno se acerca sin querer a la candela de la estufa al cocinar. De pronto un recuerdo centelleó en su mente, pudo ver la hermosa y sutil cara de su madre, y sus manos alzando la cobija con la que lo arropaba cuando éste enfermaba, con el propósito de que sudara la fiebre, así que acostó a su «campeón» en el sofá frente a la tv, y lo arropó del cuello hasta los pies haciendo que pareciera una oruga en un saco para dormir hecho a medida. Víctor rió levemente. El infante respondió también con otra sonrisa, una que mostraba —curiosamente— tranquilidad.
Quizá las caricaturas y el malestar distrajeron al niño del hambre, pero era un hecho que necesitaba comer y elemental que tomara medicamentos.
Víctor daba mas vueltas que un «trompo borracho» en busca de una solución. Se detuvo a mirar su viejo teléfono de mesa, obsoleto sí, pero en óptimas condiciones... lo detalló, lo analizó, y de pronto recordó que alguien le debía dinero. Tiró de lo más remoto de su recuerdo de modo que casi inconscientemente, marcó varios números en variados intentos y acertó el que buscaba, supo que era ése el número por que la robótica Voz de la operadora del buzón de mensajes fue quien contesto afirmando que era el despacho del «fulano». Se desilusionó.
5:00 pm, a Víctor también le gruñía el estómago. Miró por la ventana, y vio a su vecino —era raro pues casi siempre estaba trabajando a esa hora—. Echó una escrutada para ver si lograba ver a alguien más pero sólo estaba su vecino. Pensó en pedirle ayuda y, negándose a pensarlo dos veces se acercó y luego de par de formalidades, dijo:
—Adrián, amigo, no tengo cena para darle a Tomasito, ¿me podrías echar una mano?.
—Que pena Víctor, no me creerás, yo tampoco tengo, de no ser por mi hermana que me trajo unos panes, me habría ido a la cama con el estómago en blanco. ¿No te he contado que renuncié?. —Victor movió la cabeza de derecha a izquierda— Los canallas querían reducir el sueldo, aumentar el horario y dar una bonificación paupérrima como para hacer creer que es justo, y para completar, estoy mal otra vez con lo de la rodilla.
— Te entiendo perfectamente. Por eso dejé de trabajar formalmente, sin embargo no me ha ido nada bien con la venta de «merey»... Debes cuidarte, esa rodilla te esta dando problemas.
De pronto el viejo teléfono sonó, Víctor dijo a Adrián que esperara un momento y se lanzó al aparato.
—Victor, amigo, es Ibrahim, llamo para decirte que ya hice la transferencia del dinero que te debía del Merey. Pero la hice a duras penas ayer en la tarde, mas tardar el lunes se hace efectiva ya que hoy es sábado.
— Ah, tranquilo Sr Ibrahim no se preocupe, gracias por avisar.
—No, gracias a ti Vic.
Víctor se desilusionó nuevamente, pero esta ocasión tanto que, casi tiró la toalla, sin embargo, antes volvió cortésmente a reanudar la conversación con su compañero de calle.
—Nada importante —dijo Víctor.
—Tengo unas monedas si te sirve de algo, pero te debes apresurar Vic, ya van para las 6. Si quieres puedo cuidar al niño mientras resuelves.
—Tiene fiebre Adrián, me preocupa. —puntualizó.
—Bueno vecino, le pondré un trapo con agua en la frente mientras. . . pero ve, rápido!
El pobre hombre salió al fin con las monedas que lo acompañaban olvidando el imperioso «tapabocas».
5:45pm, a varias cuadras, vislumbró un aviso: «Abierto». La última opción, la salvación, la solución....
Víctor corrió como gacela, eludiendo las señales peatonales de alto.
Mirando a los lados sólo de refilón, mantuvo el ritmo de su carrera por las solitarias calle que pintaban una ciudad fantasma, salvo por las sirenas y luces policiales reflejadas en los edificios, su desplace a lo lejos se intensificaba, como acercándose... —«Si encontraban a Víctor en calle, le costaría caro»... Digamos que los oficiales buscaban más que mantener a las personas en casa y priorizar su cuidado. Pero a Víctor no le importó.
6:00 pm, la empleada que concluía su jornada de trabajo intentó cerrar las puertas secundarias de modo que dejara en claro que ya terminaban sus servicios, empero, algo evitó que la puerta cerrara. Era el zapato de Víctor que lo impedía.
— Por favor, atiendame, necesito comprar algo para la fiebre— Dijo Víctor con vehemencia.
La simpática trabajadora se inclinó para escuchar lo que la supervisora le murmuró al oído. Mientras, Víctor, pensaba en su hijo, y nada mas que en su pequeño, hasta que vio el identificativo de la empleada: Miriam. Reprimió el sentimiento y maldijo la pandemia por haberse llevado a su amor hace un año, y haber dejado sin madre al fruto de su gran amor.
— Lo siento, sin tapabocas no lo podremos atender. — Anunció la chica siguiendo la orden de su supervisora.
— Por favor, mire, no me lo pregunta, ni le interesa, pero mi hijo arde en fiebre y llora de hambre, el dinero que me deben no se hace efectivo si no hasta el lunes y apenas hoy es sábado. Necesito que haga una excepción esta vez.
Pero la vil supervisora ni se inmutó y simplemente se negó, limitándose a proseguir con su trabajo.
—Lo siento, ordenes son ordenes y reglas son reglas. —Dijo la chica con dificultad e intentando lanzarle una señal de espera. Pero el desesperado padre tenía la mente frustrada como para atisbar el ademán.
Víctor salió con la cabeza gacha, caminó unos metros y se sentó en una acera pensando en cometer una locura, lo pensó y pensó, como estuvo haciendo todos los minutos transcurridos.
Unos zapatos puntiagudos bien lustrados se posaron frente a sus ojos y una dulce vos que pareció conocer, le habló.
—Ten —Dijo la chica extendiendo su grácil brazo a Víctor para entregarle unos medicamentos y una bolsa de comida. Estás de suerte, hoy fue mi día de cobro y en el que recibí este regalo, pero realmente no lo necesito, te lo quiero obsequiar.
—¿Segura? No, no debería...
—No acepto no por respuesta, deja de andar con remilgos y mejor vamos, debes ir con tu hijo.
—¿Que?, no, no tengo tapabocas y si te ven conmigo podrían multarte digamos...
— ¡Tarán! —dijo la simpática mujer sacando de su cartera una mascarilla. Mujer precavida vale por dos.
Un brillo destelló en los negros ojos de Victor, era obvio que tal brillo se debía a la maravillosa mujer que tenia en frente. Por un momento olvido todo, incluso que el motivo por el que ahora estaba frente a esa decorosa mujer, era la fiebre y hambre de su hijo.
Caminaron entonces, rieron, no podían creer que hubiesen coincidido pues, ninguno se lo esperaba. Víctor no creía estar junto a esa preciosa mujer; pelo largo negro, ojos pardos, tez blanca, silueta grácil, extraordinaria personalidad y pare de contar... Hermosa.
Era como una unión magnética, como si el destino en la espera, se hubiese quejado de lo tanto que tardaron en encontrarse. Miriam estaba encantada de ayudar a este hombre; delgado, levemente fornido, barba corta, ojos pardos, piel tostada, amoroso, responsable... El reflejo de su preocupación.
Luego, un largo silencio los enmudeció mientras pasaban por la 4ta avenida, se miraban con extremo disimulo, pero Víctor no soportó no oír la voz de la maravillosa mujer y a propósito dijo:
—Supongo que si te interesó después de todo, gracias!.
—Si bueno, cuando dijiste que no te preguntaba ni me interesaba quise golpearte. —Rebatio con humor la hermosa mujer.
—Lo siento. —Dijo Víctor deteniendo su paso frente a ella, lo suficientemente abocado a la cara de Miriam.
Si, Miriam sabía lo que eso significaba y pensando en que ya era tiempo de disfrutar la vida más que su trabajo, dispuso de sus labios.
«Aquel beso fue el preludio de un gran amor».
Mas tarde llegaron a la casa, Miriam y Víctor quedaron perplejos de ver al niño riendo con Adrián mientras jugaban.
—¡Papá! —exclamó el niño de alegría, corriendo hacia él.
—No falla el remedio de pañuelo húmeda en la frente. —dijo Adrián alegre de ver al niño ya en buenas condiciones y de que Víctor halla resuelto más de lo que necesitaba. Una hermosa mujer.
Todos compartieron en la pequeña casa de Víctor, prepararon una deliciosa cena.
Hablaron por horas, Víctor relató el desespero que sintió poco tiempo antes y levemente se estremecieron por segundos pero, luego rieron viendo el lado chistoso y positivo de lo ocurrido... Por largos Minutos.
—What will I do? —Victor thought. He did not manage to cover the time stipulated by the norms and biosafety standards established to conclude negotiations and ensure self-care, due to a sudden pandemic that cruelly affected the benevolent daily life that sheltered the citizens of the world, leaving tragedies, uncertainty and uneasiness in its wake.
4:30 pm marked the clock, the child mumbled complaints of hunger.
Victor tried to hold him to entertain him and noticed that his body temperature was as hot as when one inadvertently approaches the stove's candle when cooking. Suddenly a memory flashed in his mind, he could see his mother's beautiful and subtle face, and her hands raising the blanket she used to tuck him in when he was sick, with the purpose of sweating out the fever, so he laid his "champion" on the couch in front of the TV, and tucked him in from neck to toe making him look like a caterpillar in a custom-made sleeping bag. Victor laughed lightly. The infant responded with another smile as well, one that showed - curiously - tranquility.
Perhaps the cartoons and the discomfort distracted the child from hunger, but it was a fact that he needed to eat and it was elementary that he took medicine.
Victor was spinning around more than a "drunken spinning top" in search of a solution. He stopped to look at his old desk phone, obsolete yes, but in good condition... he looked at it, analyzed it, and suddenly remembered that someone owed him money. He pulled at the remotest part of his memory so that almost unconsciously, he dialed several numbers in several attempts and hit the one he was looking for, he knew that was the number because the robotic voice of the operator of the message box was who answered saying it was the office of the "so-and-so". He was disappointed.
5:00 pm, Victor's stomach was growling too. He looked out the window, and saw his neighbor-it was odd since he was almost always working at that hour. He looked out the window to see if he could see anyone else, but there was only his neighbor. He thought about asking for help and, refusing to think twice, he approached him and after a couple of formalities, he said:
—Adrián, my friend, I have no dinner to give to Tomasito, could you give me a hand.
—What a pity, Victor, you won't believe me, I don't have any either, if it wasn't for my sister who brought me some bread, I would have gone to bed with a blank stomach. Didn't I tell you that I quit? -Victor shook his head from right to left. "The scoundrels wanted to reduce the salary, increase the working hours and give a very poor bonus to make people think it was fair, and to top it all off, I'm in bad shape again with my knee.
—I understand you perfectly. That's why I stopped working formally, however I have not done well with the sale of «merey».... You must take care of yourself, that knee is giving you problems.
Suddenly the old telephone rang, Victor told Adrian to wait a moment and he jumped on the phone.
—Victor, my friend, it's Ibrahim, I'm calling to tell you that I've already made the transfer of the Merey I owed you. But I barely made it yesterday afternoon, it will be effective on Monday at the latest, since today is Saturday.
—Ah, don't worry Mr. Ibrahim, don't worry, thanks for the warning.
—No, thanks to you Vic.
Victor was disappointed again, but this time so much so that he almost threw in the towel, but first he politely returned to resume the conversation with his street companion.
—Nothing important," said Victor.
—I have some coins if it's of any use to you, but you must hurry Vic, it's already 6 o'clock, if you want I can take care of the child while you work it out.
—Adrian has a fever, I'm worried about him. —He's got a fever, I'm worried about him.
—Well neighbor, I'll put a rag with water on his forehead while you're at it. . . but go, quick!
The poor man finally left with the coins that accompanied him, forgetting the imperious "tapabocas" (Mask).
5:45pm, several blocks away, he glimpsed a sign: "Open". The last option, the salvation, the solution .....
Victor ran like a gazelle, dodging the pedestrian stop signs.
Glancing sideways only glancingly, he kept up the pace of his run through the lonely streets that painted a ghost town, except for the police sirens and lights reflected on the buildings, his scrolling in the distance, as if approaching.... —If they found Victor on the street, it would cost him dearly".... Let's say the officers were looking for more than keeping people at home and prioritizing their care. But Victor didn't care.
6:00 pm, the employee who was concluding her work day tried to close the secondary doors so as to make it clear that her services were over, but something prevented the door from closing. It was Victor's shoe that prevented it.
—Please help me, I need to buy something for my fever," said Victor vehemently.
The sympathetic worker leaned over to listen to what the supervisor murmured in her ear. Meanwhile, Victor was thinking about his son, and nothing but his little boy, until he saw the employee's nametag: Miriam. He repressed the feeling and cursed the pandemic for having taken his love a year ago, and for having left the fruit of his great love without a mother.
—I'm sorry, without a mask we won't be able to attend you. - The girl announced following her supervisor's order.
—Please, look, you don't ask me, nor do you care, but my son is burning with fever and crying from hunger, the money you owe me is not due until Monday and today is only Saturday. I need her to make an exception this time.
But the vile supervisor didn't even flinch and simply refused, limiting herself to continue with her work.
—Sorry, orders are orders and rules are rules. -Said the girl with difficulty and trying to give him a signal to wait. But the desperate father had the frustrated mind to glimpse the gesture.
Victor went out with his head down, walked a few meters and sat down on a sidewalk thinking about committing a madness, he thought and thought, as he had been doing all the minutes that had passed.
He thought and thought, as he had been doing all the minutes that had passed. A pair of well polished pointy shoes sat in front of his eyes and a sweet voice he seemed to know spoke to him.
—Here," said the girl, extending her graceful arm to Victor to hand him some medicine and a bag of food. You are in luck, today was my payday and I received this gift, but I don't really need it, I want to give it to you.
—Are you sure? No, I shouldn't...
—I don't take no for an answer, stop fussing and let's go, you should go with your son.
—What? No, I don't have a mask and if they see you with me they could fine you, let's say...
—¡Tada! -said the nice woman taking a mask out of her purse. A cautious woman is worth two.
A gleam flashed in Victor's black eyes, it was obvious that such a gleam was due to the wonderful woman in front of him. For a moment he forgot everything, even that the reason why he was now in front of that dignified woman was the fever and hunger of his son.
They walked then, they laughed, they could not believe that they had coincided because none of them had expected it. Victor did not believe he was next to that beautiful woman; long black hair, brown eyes, white complexion, graceful silhouette, extraordinary personality and stop counting? Beautiful.
It was like a magnetic union, as if fate, in waiting, had complained about how long it had taken them to meet. Miriam was delighted to help this man; slim, slightly stocky, short beard, brown eyes, tanned skin, loving, responsible.... The reflection of her concern.
Then, a long silence silenced them as they passed by 4th avenue, they looked at each other with extreme dissimulation, but Victor could not bear not hearing the voice of the wonderful woman and on purpose he said:
—I guess you were interested after all, thank you!
—Yes well, when you said I didn't ask you and I wasn't interested I wanted to hit you.
—I'm sorry. —Said Victor stopping his step in front of her, just enough in front of Miriam's face.
Yes, Miriam knew what that meant and thinking that it was time to enjoy life more than her work, she disposed of her lips.
"That kiss was the prelude to a great love ".
Later they arrived at the house, Miriam and Victor were perplexed to see the boy laughing with Adrian as they played.
—Dad! -exclaimed the boy with joy, running towards him.
—The remedy of wet handkerchief on the forehead does not fail. —Adrian said, happy to see the boy in good condition and that Victor had solved more than he needed to. A beautiful woman.
They all shared in Victor's small house, they prepared a delicious dinner.
They talked for hours, Victor recounted the despair he felt shortly before and slightly shuddered for seconds but, then laughed seeing the funny and positive side of what happened.... For long minutes.
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