The Circus of Roses [ENG - ESP]

in Literatos3 years ago




Tilda had felt that day as long as any other, the circus was a sad place when there was no performance. After spending the whole day performing, her only son, Diego, was demanding her attention and she was about to bring him closer when a noise surprised her.

She felt stalked but when she wanted to look for help, her mouth was silenced to the rhythm of slapping hands. Although she wanted to put her son to safety, the hand that gagged her immobilized her in such a way that she could not even move the man away from her lap.

This time Claudio's relentless harassment had taken on new dimensions. He was running all over her body, stopping his hand with care on her sex. His desire had driven him out of his mind, even though he knew that she was Valentino's wife.


Tilda había sentido aquel día tan largo como cualquier otro, el circo era un lugar triste cuando no había función. Después de pasar todo el día actuando su único hijo Diego, reclamaba su atención y ella ya se disponía a acercarlo cuando un ruido la sorprendió.

Se sentía acechada pero cuando quiso buscar ayuda, su boca fue callada al ritmo de manotazos. Aunque quiso poner a su hijo a salvó, la mano que la amordazaba la inmovilizaba de tal manera que ni siquiera podía alejar a aquel hombre de su regazo.

Esta vez el acoso incesante de Claudio había tomado nuevas dimensiones. Esté, estaba recorriendo todo su cuerpo deteniendo su mano con esmero en su sexo. Su deseo lo había sacado de sus cabales, aún a sabiendas que ella era la mujer de Valentino.


Meanwhile Valentino continued to tidy up the mess that was the circus after each performance. He was passionate about his work, the children gave him life but he couldn't even enjoy his own son. That thought made him think of his wife, who was supposed to be backstage at that time, perhaps his son was already enjoying her tender embrace.

Then he decides to bring her a bouquet of flowers that he has found on one of the seats, it was only a rose but he still thinks that fate has lent it to him as a gift for his beloved. When he finally finished, he immediately went to his bedroom but when he entered he noticed that his son was lying alone on one side of the mirror and to his horror a man who seemed to be a harlequin was raging against his wife's sex.

He immediately grabbed the ruffian and hit him so hard that everyone in the circus came out to find out what was going on. Then he realized that the man was one of his own and the language of blows began its routine in the light of the full moon while Tilda screamed and pulled out her baby running.

Mientras tanto Valentino seguía poniendo orden en el desastre que era el circo después de cada función. Sentía pasión por su trabajo, los niños le daban vida pero ni siquiera podía disfrutar de su propio hijo. Ese pensamiento lo hizo acordarse de su mujer ya a esa hora debería estar tras bambalinas, quizás su hijo ya disfrutaba de su tierno abrazo.

Entonces decide llevarle un ramo de flores que ha encontrado en uno de los asientos, era solo una rosa pero aun así piensa que el destino se la ha dejado prestada para hacer un regalo a su amada. Cuando por fin termina, sale de inmediato a su dormitorio pero cuando entró notó que su hijo yacía solo a un lado del espejo y para su espanto un hombre que parecía ser un arlequín se ensañaba contra el sexo de su esposa.

Inmediatamente tomo a aquel rufián golpeándolo tan fuerte que todos en el circo salieron a averiguar el destino de aquel estruendo. Entonces se dio cuenta que aquel hombre era uno de los suyos y el lenguaje de los golpes comenzó su rutina a la luz de la luna llena mientras Tilda gritando sacaba a su bebé corriendo.


Valentino was winning against that evil man, but a tragic stab in the chest would leave him feeling a pain as great as that which his Tilda would feel, his beloved and his greatest dream: the child he had so longed to have. A group of men entered and knocked Claudio down with resounding blows, deafening noises and the lost look of Valentino for whom they could do nothing.

Emergencies would arrive, but they only brought out a man imprisoned in his desire and a man passed out in his bed. Tilda with her son in her arms, clung to the ground they had worked so hard to build, that tent, her dreams, her youth, her son and her Valentino who was now gone.

Days after the tragedy, Tilda continued to take care of the Circus while her son grew up without the father who wanted so much to see him grow up. However the smell of blood on the rose that Valentino never got to give to his beloved Tilda, was preserved in the memory of what was now "The Circus of Roses" forever and ever as Valentino Junior became a man and was ready to hold the reins that his mother was now directing, for better or for worse.

Valentino estaba ganando contra aquel malvado, pero una trágica puñalada en el pecho lo dejaría sintiendo un dolor tan grande como el que sentiría su Tilda, su amada y su mayor sueño: el hijo que tanto había anhelado tener. Un grupo de hombres se adentraron y derribaron a Claudio con golpes sonantes, ruidos ensordecedores y la mirada perdida de Valentino por el cual nada pudieron hacer.

Emergencias llegaría, pero solo sacaron a un hombre preso de su deseo y un hombre desvanecido en su lecho. Tilda con su hijo en brazos, se aferraba en el suelo que tanto les había costado construir, aquella carpa, sus sueños, su juventud, su hijo y su Valentino que ahora se había ido.

Días después de la tragedia, Tilda continuaba haciéndose cargo del Circo mientras su hijo crecía sin el padre que tanto quiso verlo crecer. Sin embargo el olor a sangre en la rosa que Valentino nunca llegó a darle a su amada Tilda, se conservaba en el recuerdo del que ahora era "El Circo de las Rosas" para siempre y por siempre mientras Valentino Junior se hacía hombre y estuviera listo para sostener las riendas que ahora su madre dirigía, para bien o para mal.


𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 | 𝐎𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐢 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫í𝐚:

Translated by me & also using Deepl

The Image on the cover is mine- la imagen en la portada es de mi propiedad

GIF elaborated by @equipodelta


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Esta publicación ha recibido el voto de Literatos, la comunidad de literatura en español en Hive y ha sido compartido en el blog de nuestra cuenta.

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Maravilloso relato aunque me dio mucha tristeza el final, los circos son lugares extraordinarios donde pueden nacer muchas historias, si lo sabré yo que trabajé en uno y terminé escribiendo una novela. Te deseo mucho éxito.


Realmente muy buen post