La fuerza del amanecer

in Literatosyesterday

Buenos días tengan ustedes, vengo con una nueva publicación para todos!



Cuando la noche se cierne y el miedo acecha,
la esperanza despierta en el fondo del ser,
cada día es un lienzo, una nueva fecha,
para pintar con coraje lo que queremos ver.

Las cicatrices son huellas de batallas ganadas,
historias de lucha que el alma atesora,
en la luz del amanecer, las sombras son nada,
y en la fuerza del espíritu, la vida se mejora.



Hive Pope Arms 2.png

The above account is under a Writ of Excommunication. They remain unrepentant despite numerous warnings against their sins of spam, bearing false witness, and misuse of artificial intelligence. They have refused wise counsel and instruction to better behavior. They plead ignorance to the cause of their falling reputation, and ask questions about downvotes which have been answered on innumerable occasions already. Until they seek absolution, they are to be shunned by the community.